Tom Waits ...

Ok, I've wondered about this for a few years and feel that I'm reasonably seasoned enough to ask the question ...

In the credits, Tom Waits is listed as a Bar Patron, but I don't see him anywhere in either of the bar sequences either in Lisbon where she has the conversation with the mad-man or in San Francisco at Tosca's.

I've watched this film numerous times and haven't seen hide nor hair of him. Knowing that Tom Waits lives on a small farm about an hour outside of the bay area, I would put my money that he is somewhere in the scene's at Tosca's.



After watching the film again ... I noticed that the role of the Madman in the bar, who then later abducts the Foreign Ambassador, could've been a role written for Tom Waits and would've been incredibly poignant had he played it. The man playing the role, even resembles Waits in a disheveled sort of way.

I still failed to see him in any of the scenes either cut in or left out.

