Theatre Cut vs Directors Cut

I recently watched the Director's Cut (280m version).

What scenes were cut for the general release cut (then added to the directors cut)


It's been a while since I've seen either, but here are a few I remember (in no particular order)

* Opening scene and narration about Claire's past. In the director's cut, it goes on much longer, showing the parties & crowds she hung around with. In the theatrical release it just shows her waking up, walking out of a party and driving off.

* Scene where Claire explains what the name "Broken Ladder" means. This was not in the theatrical release.

* Scene where Claire meets a madman in a bar.

* Director's cut had extended "Neper Effect" scene where, after the satellite blows up, Winter & Eugene get into an argument over the works of Goethe being wiped out. In the theatrical release the action stays on Claire & Sam in the plane the whole time.

* I think the director's cut had some more scenes of Claire travelling through Siberia or Tokyo, can't remember exactly.

Overall I don't think there were a lot of huge scenes that were completely cut. A lot of scenes were shortened. I actually prefer the theatrical release, but legend has it Wim Wenders pitched a real fit & hated it.


There was an AMAZING scene of aboriginal children playing with fire which got cut in theatrical release. Awesome footage... Just get the director's cut/trilogy, there's just that much more of the incredible footage shot to create this movie.

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