MovieChat Forums > Bis ans Ende der Welt (1991) Discussion > SPOILERS***Didn't ANYone else find the e...

SPOILERS***Didn't ANYone else find the ending...

...more than just a tad hokey? I mean...Claire orbiting the earth in a Greenpeace satellite? And no friendship at all between Sam and Claire, but a birthday greeting from 3 relative strangers in her life? (Eugene excepted). just didn't ring true to me.

The whole world is a very narrow bridge. The key is to be fearless. R' Nachman of Breslov


It didn't ring true to you, but the rest of the movie did?


Well...ya got me there.

"Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you DO". (The Last Kiss)


Well, Chico certainly wasn't a "relative stranger" either... and the other guy appeared to be Chico's "special" friend that he met in Australia... and considering what everyone had been through, I don't think anyone would be considered "relative strangers."
That being said, however, your point is taken... Sam and Claire had that "eternal love" thing going, and it really doesn't seem like any of those people would've been really hard to find... for openers, how many people are going into space? But it seems like if Sam had simply looked for ANY of those people, including Eugene, who was a PUBLISHED AUTHOR, he could've had a lead. Besides, what a moron, how could you pass up quality like Claire?? I'd go to the grave trying to find that stuff!! Eugene's "first ending" for his book would've been an appropriate and sweet end to a good love story.


...Besides, what a moron, how could you pass up quality like Claire?? I'd go to the grave trying to find that stuff!!...

I took the ending as physically being with Claire could only be at best temporal. Similar to a dreamer's fantastical dream. And now here she was finally and truly beyond the edge (or END) of the world.

However, if she were anywhere on Earth, I'd seek her too.

I think that's the (grossly oversimplified by me) point.

"For once in my life, I'd like to catch somebody BEFORE they do something horrible. Alright?"
