English version DVD coming

This film has had a difficult history coming to DVD. The first release of the director's cut DVD was the Italian version in 2003, with the German version finally following in 2005. Many people have purchased either version, but anglophones have been disappointed to find that neither version has English subtitle options. For those who don't speak German or French (or can't read Italian subtitles), this has meant losing the thread for several scenes in those languages.

It appears that an English language version of the DVD is finally coming, at least to the UK. Amazon UK is showing the release of the DVD as 26 June: http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000EHRUFW/qid%3D1147335334/202-9424140-7123002

There are scant details available, but this should be the same director's cut version as previously released in Germany and Italy -- presumably with English subtitle options.

This may be the only option for anglophones to consider. A rumored Australian DVD release has never materialized. Information on the Wim Wenders website also suggests that a much-delayed North American release will never happen.



This is excellant news! Roll on June 26th!


It's honestly never really bothered me when they slip into French or German for a little while (well, except the first time I watched it, when I was confused) because one, you can pick most of what's happening up through watching what they do, and two, it's what happens in real life when you hang out with people from other countries. But I might just be odd that way.

Pity the insomniac dyslexic agnostic. He loses sleep wondering if there really is a dog.



I ordered it on DVD in advance from Amazon, but now the date has changed to 31 December 2006!!


Is there any recent news confirming the 31 December 2006 release date? Nothing on the Amazon site indicates that the DVD is forthcoming.



I think not having subtitles is the way Wim Wenders intended it to be. The movie is mostly English. Only a few short parts are in other languages. You can easily get what they're talking about by the context and what's going on.

There might never be subtitles, except for the English dialogue. Roman Polanski movies often have French dialogue with no subtitles (Frantic, Bitter Moon, Ninth Gate, just to name a few). That's not a mistake.

There may never be a version of UTEOTW that translates all non-English dialogue.


"I think not having subtitles is the way Wim Wenders intended it to be."

Maybe so, but the UK theatrical release had English subs on the French and German parts.


Cool. Are there any versions with English subtitles for the foreign dialogue yet? I've not seen this in like 8 years on a foreign DVD with no English subs.


I just ordered the German version at 41 Dollars. Amazon Com's decription does not say anything about subtitles. But I guess I can live with the non-subtitling...
At Amazon.co.uk they now advertise a DVD to be released on New Year's Eve 2006 at 20 Pounds.

Cheers // Mr. Wulf


i don't think so. the product details says number of discs is 1. this cannot be the directors cut and must be the theatrical release.


Hopefully still on schedule for end Dec 2006 release which Ive had preordered since April 2006. Greatly looking forward to this. My video is a little worse for wear now !



Amazon now say 26 February 2007!!!

They are making it up as they go along methinks. I have pre-ordered since 17 June 2006 and they have changed the delivery date twice now.

Oh well. I guess one day I will be sitting in my house minding my own business, and there will be a knock on the door and it will be the postman with my DVD...


I share your frustrations.. pre orderded since March 2006 when I first heard about its DVD release.. that'll be one year wait arrrrgghhhhh.

As we are a small bunch here anyone know who the publisher is meant to be? Might be worhtwhile trying to find out directly when the release will be so we have info thats from the horses mouth as it were.......

In the meantime ill order the large print version of War and Peace to tie me over..


I finally gave up and ordered the european version... had to buy a new DVD player too so it's getting to be an expensive film ;)


The running time on this is 158 minutes, so it would seem that it's the edited version, and not the much sought after 280 minute one.

Though Amazon could just be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time ;-)


There is a directors cut out their WITH subtitles in English for the non-English parts, it's been around for a while. Unfortunately I think It's a Fansub, as the source appears to be the German Directors cut, with the afformentioned English subs. I't a DVD rip, but the quality is A1.

I'd still prefer the original Directors cut DVD with English sub's if it ever becomes available. The DVD rip is a great substitute until then.

I love massively long films. There is nothing more immersive than a film so long you start to feel your living IN it! The last time I watched something as long (longer in fact!) and immersive, was the gentle but epic Sátántangó.


I've just seen on www.sendit.com that the English DVD is now scheduled for release on February 26th. Great news indeed, although it is credited as being 151 minutes long, seven minutes shorter than the original cut. Is anyone ever going to be bold enough to release the full version...?


Well I got this the other day. It must be that fansub that was mentioned, as it's DivX that says its a DVD rip. It's in three parts each aprox an hour and a half, with English subs. It has credits at the beginning of each part, while at the ends it says "end of part *whatever*", so I'm guessing this is definately the full Director's cut. I've never seen any version of the film before, and I've just finished watching the first part. I'm enjoying it so far, don't think my girlfriend did though, she's fallen asleep!


I just finished watching the same version as you and found it to be well worth the time investment, even without the French translated.....The Japanese doesn't really require translation, and it all comes together in a very unexpected and highly satisfying way....That xvid is a-ok!


You dudes who want this Feb 26 release should check out CDWow. Cheaper than Amazon.co.uk.


I see there's a sleeve photo on there as well.


Just watched a trade preview DVD of the UK version, and my player confirms it is 2hrs 31 minutes until the end of the titles.

Currently GBP 12.99 at Bensonsworld.co.uk:


Seems like a monumental waste of time if its not the director's cut. Don't get me wrong, I like the shorter cut, its how I got into the movie, but...


My DVD has arrived! See new post.


Does anyone have any idea if they are planning to release a DVD or - even better - BluRay in North America? To think that, for example, all of the Saw and Hostel "movies" can be found on BluRay and this masterpiece cannot is mindboggling. Thank you!



I first bought the VHS because it was all I could find at the time.

Later I bought the 3 DVD German DC as soon as I saw it available. (I really didn't care about what language it was or subtitles or how much it cost)

If a BluRay release becomes available, I'd buy that too.

I'm beginning to think UtEotW is to me like 'Catcher in the Rye' is to Jerry Fletcher (Mel Gibson's character) in Conspiracy Theory (1997)

MK-Ultra anyone?

"The appearance of the law must be upheld... especially while it's being broken"
