Last scenes

Would like to know what happens in the last few scenes after Bernard says goodbye to the Genie ?? Couldn't watch it due to video problems.......

Thank you in advance !!


Basically what happens is:

Bearnard says goodbye to the Genie and he dissapeers and goes back home and is with the wizard just before he gets put in the lamp at the beggining of the film. The subtitles read something like:

Wizard: "I will give you a punishment that will last for all eternity!"
Genie: "Wait! maybe I can make you a deal?"
(opens suitcase full of modern technology)
Genie:"could I interest you in a thick-slice toaster?"
(wizard stokes beard thoughtfully considering this, Genie smiles and nods)

This is just off the top of my head, it's bee a while since I watched it but I have seen it loads of times and I'm pretty sure this is right.


Also you missed out that Bernard goes to the Christmas Santa's Grotto (as seen throughout the film) and it is heavily implied that he asks that woman he fancies out on a date and that she says yes... something he'd never have had the confidence to do before he met the genie :D


You also neglected the part where the Genie and Bernie have a gay-off.
