I'm not sure...

I'm not sure if I liked it or not. I got bored many times but I liked how it was filmed. It started to hurt my eyes after a while, but I couldn't stop watching. I kept thinking "wow this movie is amazing" but more often I was thinking... "this is just a looooong TOOL or NIN video without the music"

I still don't know what to think about it... heh

"I pride myself on the fact that my work has no socially redeeming value." -J.Waters



Calling it a TOOL or NIN video is a little unfair. This film predates any decent video from either band. It was filmed in 1989 and released in 1991. If anything, their videos look like this. But personally I have seen every video from both bands and not one looks anything like this. Is there a certain video(s) you had in mind?


They might have been referrng to "Hurt" or the general stop-motionness of the Tool videos. Which while we're on the subject of Tool and movies-has anyone ever seen anything by The Brothers Quay? If you like Tool's videos, you'll like their work
