Don't get this on blu ray

The extras might be fine, but the film itself doesn't benefit from the higher resolution. In fact it works against it. The film was clearly designed to be watched in lower resolution and with blurrier image: in some scenes the sharpness of the image only highlights the lack of detail in the backgrounds, while in others it makes the scene fall entirely flat. For example, Beast's big reveal falls flat because the razor sharp picture already shows his features pitch perfectly in the very first scene, and his appearance has no mystery to it whatsoever. The wolf chase also suffers from this, since the colour contrasts are so strong they look more like someone filled different parts of the screen with the Paint fill tool, and it actually makes the animation look worse since the colours don't blend into each other like they're supposed to.



I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed this! I bought a Blu-Ray player two years ago, and popped this movie in, hoping to enjoy it as always—with the added bonus of crystal clear resolution.

Well, as many Disneyphiles know—this movie WAS rushed to be made in many respects. Granted, there are some STUNNING and WELL DONE scenes in this movie that are rarely paralleled by other Disney films, BUT: there are some scenes where they clearly (HAD) to skimp on quality... Ironically, my old VHS copy of this film actually looks "better", in the sense that the slightly blurry, opaque quality of the film strip actually enhances the density and depth of the artwork!

I agree. If you watch this on Blu-Ray, please be warned! Lol.


Ha ha, what a couple of punks! Let me give you two some advice, grandpa: this is 2016 and your eyes can't handle high def. Maybe you two should turn up your hearing aids and just stick to the radio. XD


It's not the quality of the image. It's the quality of the drawings...


Well guess what it is too late for me I have been already own it on Blu-Ray 3D but it is okay as I don't watch too much of special features


Did you expect the original film to transform magically into the high definition, computer animated quality of films that are released in 2016?

I personally would be unhappy if the movie I adored as a child was enhanced to be "better"

The video of the sound recording is enough to make it worth buying! SO fascinating!


I've had the Blu-ray version for several years and I love it. The crisp picture and the 7.1 surround sound is great. I think Disney does a great job cleaning up their movies when putting them on Blu-ray.


Definitely don't buy this if you don't have a blu ray player and are just getting it for the DVD copy either! I did just recently....not realizing that the special features AND two additional versions of the movie are only on the blu ray disc (they are also on the digital version you get for free by purchasing this, but my copy didn't come with a code for redeeming it...and that's far from an isolated incident going by the reviews I've since read!).

Needless to say, I will be returning it and replacing it with the DVD-only version (which BETTER come with all the extras!) that's coming out at the end of this month!


I absolutely recommend buying this on Blu-ray! It looks stunning and is probably the most beautiful transfer of any animated film of the era.
