
I am sorry to announce that both Back to the Future rides in Orlando and Hollywood are being replaced. I regret even more having to tell you that they will be replaced by a mega-attraction inspired by The Simpsons. That ride should open in Spring 2008. To the ride which we loved so much: Goodbye.


It's sad. I just went on it for the last time yesterday, and it was more nostalgic that anything else. This upsets me, because now children who are growing up at these times aren't going to be able to experience how fun Back to the Future is. It's like when they took out the E.T. ride. I never got to go on it in Hollywood because The Mummy... The Ride took it over. It's just a depressing thing that children aren't growing up with classics, and they're going to have to digest these lackluster rides based on lackluster media.

"I don't like so much freedom down there. It makes me tingle in my giblets."
