I'm sure there are alot of people that have seen this in it's edited or unedited form.I catched the edited version when they used to play this on
sci-fi channel years ago.I found it to still be a quite entertaining flick
even without all the extra gore and sex which the filmmakers were set to
do on the getgo.People that trash this to high heavens need to understand that was the filmmakers intentions.They were'nt intending to present us with
award winning,high caliber material,but for a certain audience that
has an open enough mind to enjoy this schlocky material,which is what
it is.Obviously it meant to entertain schlock and horror addicts not a
wide audience.Just thought i'd like to bring that to the open.
the filmmakers point is not to make this for everyone


I just saw this on Fearnet and I thought it was pretty decent.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


I'd classify this as a "What the hell did I just watch" movie. Detached limbs running around killing people? Oliver Reed's performance was about the only redeeming factor in this otherwise farce.

Long live the 70's!
