Nostalgia Critic Review

Okay, who wants to see a Nostalgia Critic review on this ridiculous excuse called a sequel?

"While guys hold on to their toys forever, girls soon throw out their playthings."


You actually got me a bit excited when I read the subject, as right now, I'm on a huge Nostalgia Critic binge.

Would love to see a review, even though I'm slightly pensive about what he'll unearth as this was a personal favourite growing up.

Who's up for some Gilbert fun?


Well considering The Critic has mentioned before he is a hug Bluth fan, he might find it fun to rip-apart a sequel to one of his films. I personally like An American Tale, so maybe he'd go easy on it.


I'm sure Nostalgia Guy would go easy on the first American Tail, but yeah, I'd love to see him ream Fievel Goes West or the other two American Tail movies. Admittedly, I do love Fievel Goes West, but it's only now when I'm much older that I realize Fievel and Tanya (mostly Tanya) suffer from serious Character Derailment.

The internet is my only escape to reality in Arcata.


I find the Nostalgia Critic irritating, and I imagine he would do any justice to any aspect of the film, whether good or bad.


^seriously. he's so overrated.

and the OP's sig is crap, tbh.

Though you're dressed in rags, you wear an air of queenly grace


Don't care if he does so or not. Growing up, I loved this movie and preferred it over the original. It's no Hamlet, but it entertains me well enough.

Now as for what needs to be tear a new *******, Fievel's American Tail. I mean seriously, an episode about coughing? WTF?
Talking about my movie experience in here:

