I've missed something.

Thoroughly enjoyed the film, but I know I've missed something important...
What was the relevance of the scene where Binoche goes opens the door of the Eye specialist after she has had her treatment, and what was the thing that Alex never knew about her....Please help!


She has the keys to the eye specialist. Which means that she "shacked up" with him after the operation. This also helps explain why she tells Alex when they meet at the Pont Neuf for the last time, why she has to leave at 3am because she's supposedly tired. If you notice, there's also her cat at the eye specialist's place.
She told Alex on the bridge in the ending scene, wait, and I'll explain this all to you later. Probably that she was living with the specialist.

it's a dirty world Reich, say what you want


Also this specialist is named Dr. Destouches, a reference to Celine (Louis Ferdinand)


I see what you mean about Michelle shacking up with the dr. and that being what she wanted to delay telling Alex during their snowy meeting at the end. But even during their first round together, michelle said she would tell alex "about her life" later. that is why she didn't want to make love to him too soon. And she mentioned that before her eye surgery.

What do you think her life entailed before that she didn't want to tell Alex?


a good question:
alex is always portrayed as a child-like naive man, and even though he lives in the harsh world of the street, he still (due to the fact that he seems a little slow in the head) retains this innocence. she felt protective towards him and didn't want to taint him with her past "sins" (or dirty corrupted life of betrayal, selfishness, etc)
that's how i see it anyway, as a mother trying to shield her child of the evil of the world + of humans.

it's a dirty world Reich, say what you want


Thanks for the comments (from an unrelated viewer). I hadn't understood this, but you made it clear.


Michele is more enigmatic a character than Alex and I'm not sure she's a very nice person. In fact I suspect he brings out the best in her, which is why she enjoys his company and, enjoying it again on the barge, she suggests they leave together.

I give my respect to those who have earned it; to everyone else, I'm civil.

