they shouldnt...

have shown her being sad at the end. they should have shown her remaining unemotional as they did in the whole film. all in all a pretty good movie.
by the way did anybody else notice the lesbian and in cest theme in the movie or was it me only???


Yes, there is a lesbian and incest theme in the film. In the novels, all of her real life relationships at this time are concretely detailed.


thanks for the reply. i was wondering i was just imagining.


You're welcome. Don't worry, a lot of people wondered the exact same thing ;).

Have a wonderful day


why shouldn't they have showed her sad in the end if that was how the her story went?

it was then she realized she was in love and what she lost. The mistakes and tears most of us go through when we first learn about love. It was a powerful scene just made the viewer sad too.

Why make her unemotional for the entire film???? She wasn't a robot, it's what made her human and people who have suffered like this, identify with her. She wasn't a cold person, just the situation: she was young, inexperienced in love, both sides of family wouldn't permit marriage between them, she wanted to explore her sexuality but realized she loved him, but it was too late. She was 15!!!!


yes it was a powerful scene and it made me sad too, maybe thats why i didnt want her to be shown sad.
if they had continued her to be shown a robot, i wouldnt have felt sad but more importantly it would have been a new thing because all films show that robbers are caught in the end, bad guys repent their crimes and people who have been calculating and unemotional get all emotional in the end. so i think they should have shown unattached all through the film...but thats just my opinion.
All in all a good movie.


If she wasn't shown as being sad in the end, then there would be no point to the film. It is a story about sexual awakening, and then self discovery. The final scenes of the Lover, where the girl begins to realise that she really loved the Chinaman, are the most important, heartbreaking scenes in the film. Those scenes make the viewer care about and sympathise with the girl. Without these realizations the ending would have been extremely flat, and people would just wonder what the whole point had been.


Yeah I agree asgardsrei1.. The irony is that when he initially became her 'lover', love was not involved.

It was only after the event, that he truly became her lover.... what a bitter-sweet story, magical!
