
I was rather disappointed while reading more than a dozen American reviews of this film penned by professional film critics. Only one reviewer seemed to be knowledgeable about the author and the position she occupies in world literature. Even two of the most respected film critics, Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert, seem to have missed the point of the film altogether, and dismissed it lightly. The majority of the film critics concentrated somewhat obsessively on the sexual scenes (which I must admit are rather explicit), to the exclusion of the other themes, and pronounced it soft-core pornography. Since the running time of the film is 111 minutes, and only eight percent of it (a total of nine minutes) shows the two protagonists in explicitly sexual situations, including four and one half of actual lovemaking, I personally think the film hardly qualifies as soft-porn. In my opinion, these movie reviews are the result of the genetic, generic puritan attitude that prevails in the American society. Or maybe the reviewers were asleep during most of the film and only woke up for the "good parts?"

Let's put to bed (no pun intended) the question that this film is somehow pornographic. Pornography is made solely to appeal to the prurient interest of the viewer. Its sexual content is the only reason for its being made. "The Lover" depicts an intense passion, where, of course, sex plays an integral role. Annaud had no choice but to include this aspect of the story, and he did it in a meaningful and artistic way.

This film is much more than merely the rendering of two people meeting for "quickies." It presents us with two very different and complex characters thrown together in a mad, doomed love affair, mad and doomed because of the reality of the society in which they live.


Also this film dealt with racism - Chinese vs. white. Different cultures and how they think. The age of the girl vs. the young man. One family, rich and respected, the other, highly, highly dysfunctional and in denial. Political these, China in Indo-China (Vietnam) and indo China a French colony. And lastly two people, who are in love, afraid to pursue it because of society and the longing and love they carry over decades.

Yeah the critics missed the boat on this movie and many movies that show passionate sex. I saw three stars for the movie Lie with Me, but two stars for this. This movie was much more deep.



I agree with the critics. As a very pretty-looking, steamy bit of erotica, this movie is Class A- would the schlock that comes on Cinemax late at night were this good. But as a real film, with a plot, and characters who do things for any good reason, the movie left me cold and sort of bored the tears out of me. I have not read the book. I don't know, but the author might have been a genuinely good writer, and the original story might have had themes and insights and interesting characters with depth. If this is so, they did not do a particularly good job of conveying it to the movie.


I can see why so many people, (including so called critics), would call this film "pornography", but definitely disagree with them, and agree with your points.

Protective, Detective, Electric Eye


I agree. I can't understand why this film wasn't better reviewed. March is not Kate Winslet, but she did a good job. This movie is excellent and it does explore social mores, etc. as well as being one hell of a great sad love story sure to make you cry. Jeanne Moreau's narration also takes it to another level. This is no Red Shoe Diaries.


The reviews were not good in America, however, the film was exceptionally well received in Europe and Asia. The film is very erotic, but far from pornographic. Also, as a historical drama, this is an incredible film that captures he essence of Indochina and the culture of southeast Asia more than anyone could ask for. The sense of both emotional longing and passion are also conveyed with an exquisitely intense and complex humidity.


I think the movie was done in good taste. yes there is lot of nudity and sex but in my view it was all done in good taste. yes you could see her breasts and butt and she his butt and there was a small second you could like see his penis kinda but really the movie was really good and very well done. Jane is very beautiful and they wanted to show a romance movie with alot of love making is all.


You write so smartly, and I agree with what you say

"Women carry the clothes, but shoes carry the women"
-Louis Vuitton


I certainly agree. I would add that the sex isn't even very erotic, because the characters enter into it so mechanically. I found the most erotic moment in the movie was when their hands come together the first time he gives her a ride in his car.

