MovieChat Forums > L'amant (1992) Discussion > Why does the girl not get pregnant?

Why does the girl not get pregnant?

How could you explain, that the girl, after all that unsafe sex, which does´nt look like coitus interruptus at all, doesn´t get pregnant? Some kind of unrealistic, I think.


There's a deleted scene in the Special Edition DVD where the lover fires luminescnet balls of green fire into her womb after coitus. The flames don't injure her, but it has the ability of killing off sperm. They then fly off into the night sky to fight off Chuck Norris and his deadly minions. As you might expect, Old Chuck overcomes the forbidden Love with his almight roundouse kicks...

Unfortunately, Marguerite Duras disliked in immensely as she wanted the flame to be pink-purplish, rather than green, so it was excised in the final print.

Happiness is a strawberry sundae...


Hey, my question was totally serious. Doesn´t it make You wonder too, that this couple can have sex without getting offspring?


becouse its a 'movie", and in movies, all the unwanted pregnancies can be prevented...


In the book, she thought she was pregnant for a while but she wasn't. They might have used some kind of protection. Believe it or not there were forms of birth control back then. She might not have begun mensturating at the time she began the affair.


You do realize that getting pregnant is not the easiest thing in the world, right? It takes an exact time, sometimes as little as 24 hours in a month that makes it feasible.....


Getting pregnant is not the easiest thing in the world? I wish I'd known that 10 years ago.


Maybe the Chinese man is infertile? He, afterall, smokes opium and probably other hallucinogens.

By the way, getting pregnant is very easy. Just look at Jamie Lynn.


That could be true. She might not have been mentruating. In the movie, I believe she said she was 18 but in the summary on Netflix, 15... Im not sure really about her age. But he might have been shooting blanks or she couldnt get pregnant..


Possibly he had her douche to lessen the probability of pregnancy. I know that this was one of the first primitive forms of birth control, and they do include a scene where he is bathing her after sex. I would think this would have been the most logical possibility. He was older, more experienced, and admitted that he had bedded MANY women...



good answer


I don't recall how long their affair lasted, but here is a chart with the risk of pregnancy for various types of contraception.

If no contraception is used there is an 85% chance of pregnancy in a year:

So yes, she probably would have gotten pregnant in reality.







Why do you think that we keep a record of our menstrual cycle? Because we're just anal like that? LOL

Girls ovulate about two weeks before their period. So, if we pay attention to our cycle and are aware of when we are fertile, pregnancy can be avoided. That was basically the earliest form of birth control; albeit EXTREMELY unreliable in comparison to what we have today of course.

I'm sure they had other means of birth control back then too besides fertility awareness.

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.


I had another thought: Perhabs, the Chinaman is infertile, maybe due to his huge opium consume.


Or perhaps she is barren. Regardless Cowboys in the wild west used condoms so its entirely possible her lover was as well. We never actually saw his penis during penetration (other wise it would be a porno), so perhaps he was wearing protection.


But if he did, one had seen it in the movie. Remember, you see twice the complete act from undressing until the act and after.



Your question has more relevance than first meets the eye....given some suggestions that some of the sex scenes were unsimulated. For example the last sex scene before the China man meets her family, when she is on top straddling him...It appears to show a bit of what might be his genitals and hints at penetration. This of course is extremely surprising given other reports that many doubles were used for Jane March during intimate scenes.

As for the answer to your question, if the novel does not outrightly address the issue, then the movie certainly was not going to bother.


In the book, she mentions thinking that she was pregnant for a short while.


Thanks. I believe you, but can´t remember the scene by myself.



"Why do you think that we keep a record of our menstrual cycle? Because we're just anal like that? LOL "

that's some coincidence.... when i'm with a girl who doesn't keep a record of her menstrual cycle, i just get her to do anal. walla! no pregnancy.


Possibly see was too thin at the time. Sometimes when a female has so little body fat she doesn't readily conceive. Maybe?


Someone suggested she might be barren. However, in the voice-over at the end, she mentions that she went on to marry, have children and get divorced later on. (Then, as a much older man, the "Chinaman" found her again and told her that he never stopped thinking of her.)

So she wasn't barren. They could have used some protection, or maybe she was aware of her menstrual cycle and how to use it. Or --- most likely, they were just lucky.


It's fairly simple. This is based on the memoirs of writer Margurite Duras. She simply did not get pregnant, which is most likely just plain luck. As someone else commented, getting pregnant isn't as easy as many seem to think. Millions of dollars are spent every year on doctors, by seemingly normal, healthy women that just will not conceive. Above all, this is a love story, escapism at it's finest. Funny, but all the times I saw this, it never once occured to me that she might get pregnant, or that it was strange that she didn't. It's not that kind of film, it wasn't made for 'Lifetime' television.


What is this? A sex-education forum? Aren't we discussing the film? Duras had a still-born child with her first husband, in 1942. In 1947, soon after her second marriage, her first and only child, Jean, was born.


Maybe he pulled out.



Elementary my dear Watson, she was on the pill.



Because Duras didn't write a pregnancy in the book.

"If I don't suit chu, you kin cut mah thoat!"


I wondered that too. Doesn't matter because I reckon that had the girl become pregnant, she would have either had an abortion or given the child up for adoption since she thought her affair with the Chinese man was so shameful. And since he may have gotten in trouble with the law for being with the underage girl.


This film is the transposition of Duras' autobiographical novel. Duras collaborated intimately with Annaud on the film's senario (Later on, Duras disavowed the film as "too personal," and rewrote a new senario, "L'Amant de la Chine du Nord"). So, if Duras had become pregnant, it would have been in the film, and since it is not, there is nothing to speculate about.

However, if Duras (the girl) had become pregnant, there would have been no need for an abortion or putting the child up for adoption: her mother and/or her older brother would have killed her. As for the Chinaman, nothing would have happened to him, as there was no concept in this society as "underage," and also because of the high position he occupied in this same society.



I'm going with the theory that the Chinaman may well have been infertile, not only because of his opium habit, but because of how it ironic it would be that his family is so hell bent and determined that he submit to his arranged marriage. I'd love to see their faces when it turns out he can't sire offspring!

There, daddy, do I get a gold star?


<< As for the Chinaman, nothing would have happened to him, as there was no concept in this society as "underage," and also because of the high position he occupied in this same society. >>

Actually in the book she does mention the fact that their affair is forbidden because he would get in trouble for sleeping with an underage girl.

That was longer than a heartbeat!



Condoms have been around for about 400 years and became available to the poor classes in the 19th century. The thin Latex ones that are around today were invented in 1920, so they might have been available to them.
