MovieChat Forums > L'amant (1992) Discussion > No, the sex scenes are not real!

No, the sex scenes are not real!

The director of the film acted like the sex scenes were real for publicity and controversy, but no, Jane March had five body doubles and Tony Leung had two. During filming, Jane March was only 17(legally underage) and at the films release when everyone thought that the scenes were real, she was both deeply offended and disgusted. The director of the film infact gave her an apology in 2003. They didn't speak for about ten years due to the rumors, but now they are extremely close friends.


Yes, I believe that at least one scene could have featured actual penetration, but I believe it could very well have been a body double as well.


For sure, the scene where they're both on the floor were not body doubles.


No, the scene on the floor involved the actors, not body doubles. Their faces can clearly be seen. The point is only that they didn't have actual intercourse, and the scene on the floor can easily be simulated. In fact he was thrusting into her so hard i think he would have done some damage to her insides if that had been real. Poor Jane March wouldn't have been able to ride a bike for a month...


lol....i love that scene where the noise from the busy street(market)was mixed in with sound of their love making.


Me too. I like that scene where they did it during noontime.


along with jeanne moreau's narration and the music, the love scenes make the film the moving experience it is.

gregory 121507


Both actors feature in some of the sex scenes, and both March and Leung appear naked several times. The scene referred to starts with the 'we are lovers' voice-over and penetration is shown with the actress on top, although the actress wasn't March. So at least one of the sex scenes are real.

It is an extremely erotic film, both the 'we are lovers' scene (regardless of the penetration) and the scene on the floor are beautifully filmed and very sensual.


I just saw the movie on IFC and all the nude parts it look like it was really her and not a body double


well then... the people in charge of finding body doubles really did their job well!

That was longer than a heartbeat!


When I saw this movie, I could've sworn I saw some real penetration at least once. Pretty good flick.

I think this is pretty cool.


Not really so difficult a task since Jane March's 17 year old body type is pretty much the norm in fashion circles.

Dislike what UR viewing _what UR hearing _whatever's happening! U could go elsewhere or turn it off


well then... the people in charge of finding body doubles really did their job well!
Exactly, that's the point some people seem to be missing. (Along with the fact that in the scenes where it clearly shows their faces clearly, the sex was simulated, but not the nudity.)

"Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you DO". (The Last Kiss)


~ A friend of mine suggested 'The Lover', and I saw it on netflix. It was an interesting steamy film. The sex scenes looks realy too me.



"A prayer for the wild at
heart kept in cages

— Tennessee Williams
[American Playwriter]


