MovieChat Forums > L'amant (1992) Discussion > Remake of this film?

Remake of this film?

It says here:

That there is going to be a remake of this film. Does anybody know if that's true?


Pretty sure it's true if you read this:



A remake of THIS film. How ridiculous, and what an insult to the original. Does someone think they can tell this story more effectively? Maybe the director will be Gus Van Sant. He was arrogant enough to remake Psycho...


Wasn't there already a remake in 2004- a movie with the same title but in Japanese.


Well if it is true than I am going to play the girl, Yee haw!

"Women carry the clothes, but shoes carry the women"
-Louis Vuitton


C'mon now...remaking one of the most beautiful film in the last 25 years is ridiculous.


wtf, this is crazy, i dont like the idea at all.
do you know when is going to be released?


guess we should laud the audacity of artists of all places and periods to attempt "remakes" of (great) original works...
and, hope they have the talent to carry off the fitting and proper execution to do it justice.

gregory 121507


I think I know how this film will be remaked: as a porno film, 95% sex and 5% story (max!)...typical Hollywood slock, for sure. The sad story is that it will be a box-office blockbuster, at least in the USA. Sad, indeed.


I am cool with a remake of this movie. However, I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to see the character of the Chinaman (pardon my political inccorectness) to be played by a guy who will "start his English and acting courses next week." Chinaman is one of the very few Asian protagonist that "get the goodies" in the story! Hollywood have already make fun of Asians for long enough with their stereotype and prejudice. I DO NOT want another one of my fellow Asian coming over so he will embarass himself and us with terrible English and half-ass acting ability, and at the same time butcher the one fictional Asian protagonist that we can be proud of.

We instead to search for some unknown Asian actor domestically.


Ridiculous idea, TransformersFan2007.

Jean-Jacques Annaud rejected all the Asian-American actors that screentested for the role of the Chinaman because they were basically 'Oriental' actors with a John Wayne cowboy swagger. In other words, they were Asian guys from America that were too conscious of their emasculation (in their own country) and were incorrectly trying to incorporate their 'masculine overcompensations' into the audition, and a role that required the more subdued, layered masculinity of an Asian man from 1920s Indochina.

Doing so would make perfect sense in a film about an Asian-American man or Asian-American love story, but definitely not within the context of this particular story set in Indochina. If they hired an Asian-American actor that could not understand that subtle nuance, it would be a disastrous casting choice.

I mean, I get that Asian guys are unfairly de-sexualized in the American media. I find that repulsive and morally wrong. But to take a work of art like this and turn it into a "Asian muscle-man GI JOE kicking ass and fvcking the babe" thing would be totally wrong.

I'm much more in favor of the remake featuring a good looking, masculine, but still refined lead from Asia - hopefully one that can master the English language by the time of filming.


Yeah, sure. It will star Lindsay Lohan, falling in lust with Jackie Chan. No nudity this time, but alot of alchoholic shenanigans. Amanda Plummer will play the girls mother, and she will try to pimp out her tacky daughter to the Chinese. Though lindsay is pushing 25, they will cake on enough makeup to make her look like she is 15. Oh, and they are modernizing it. Everybody will have cellphones and ipods. doesn't it sound totally cool? I hope Ashton Kutcher is in it, manybe he could pass for chinese... Or was that dude Japanese? Is there a difference between Chinese and Japanese? Oh well... Bye!


The original is good enough and we don't need a screw up remake.

I'm shaking so godamn much i feel like i'm dancin
