Jane March hot?

Maybe so, probably so....
But the Chinaman... Oh dear! He was so hot!



She definitely doesn't do anything for me. lol

But Tony Leung Ka Fai....whew! What a fine looking man! ;)


I agree! Tony was so sensual and his face was just gorgeous I would have fell for him like a stick figure meeting a match LOL

And so it goes....



Yep, Jane March does it for me. Very hot!


Jane March was incredibly hot in this. I find it curious, though, that they chose to cast a part-Asian girl to begin with, seeing that Duras herself was 100 percent Gallic.

There, daddy, do I get a gold star?


.... as opposed to casting an actress that fits the 'racial profile' to the dot, but fails to resemble Duras in any way?

Annaud casted this girl after seeing hundreds of actresses in casting calls, even now-famous women like Milla Jovovich and Fairuza Balk. Why Jane March? Because of her uncanny resemblance to the teenaged Duras in that now-iconic black-and-white photo of a cherubic, pigtailed teenage Duras staring up into the camera lens, with her dark-red pouted lips.

It's as simple as that. The prerequisites were a striking physical resemblance, and a command of the English language (since Jane March is a British citizen and the film was an English-language production).


Agreed 100% - what a babe!


she has a cute body i felt. nice shape breasts and cute butt


Definitely . . . a total dame with a totally nubile body and adorable face. Cute feet, too!

If a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of a life, maybe we can too . . .



Yes! I used to date a girl with a strong resemblance to her and I'm not sure I'm really over her even 25 years later!


March was a bit toothy, but otherwise she is very attractive, and seemed to me to be physically perfect for the part. I don't know why the had to pick someone who lookes like Margarite Dumas, what is the point of that? Other than Mme Duras vanity.


I didn't find her pre-teen like body attractive--very gangly looking. She has nice lips, both otherwise looks like a gangly, skinny girl. Men who like "young girls" would probably find attraction to this, though.
