Sexy And Stunning


"L'Amant" or simply, "The Lover" is a visually stunning and a sexy masterpiece of cinematic art. Truly a masterpiece of story-telling!!

The movie is simply stimulating, scintillating, sensitive, sexy, stunning, sizzling, and exudes an aura of sensuality. It is erotic, alarming, captivating, passionate, engrossing, musical, zesty, reflective, cinematic, haunting and a very tragic love story. A love story that is based on the semi-autobiography of one of the most celebrated French author, Marguerite Duras who passed away in 1996.

I certainly disagree with several critics who did not hesitate to label the motion picture as "shallow" and "nothing more than a soft-porn." This is obvious to me that the critics are ignorant or "illiterate" to the story behind the story and the message both the author and the film director are trying to convey.

Just because this movie contains scenes that are erotic with nudity, it does not mean that the film is pornographic. That is shallow thinking and definitely reflective of someone who is ignorant and lack of literary sense. Moreover these illiterate critics need to know the historical background of life in French-ruled Vietnam and the general French attitude towards the Vietnamese and the Chinese in the 1920s and 1930s.

To paraphrase another fan of this movie, who reasoned that if this movie is a porn, it would not hassle over the cinematographic details, art direction and casting. I would add: it would not has been nominated for an Oscar and won the Cesar Award from the mainstream French Cinema(The French Academy Of Cinema, Arts & Techniques). It would be totally ignored by them.

One of my favourite erotic scenes is when the girl(actress Jane March) gradually and teasingly, pursed her lips on the glass window of the limousine for her lover(actor Tony Leung Kar-fai). Another favourite of mine is the scene in the limo, showing Tony slowly and hesitatingly held hands with Jane who responded likewise, but at the same time, avoided glancing at each other.

The camera works that captured these two visually stunning moments are extremely well done. These two scenes are so erotic, my heart nearly skips a beat. To do justice to this movie, one really needs to watch it; for seeing is believing!

The Story:
This is a movie about a teenage girl who was physically and emotionally abused by her mother and elder brother. She felt unable to control her predicament.

She sought solace and control through her passionate affair with a wealthy Chinese man (actor Tony Leung) from Cholon. However, the affair is tragic from the very beginning because of the cross-cultural conflicts experienced and endured by the two lovebirds.

There is on one hand, the French social restrictions about relationships with the "inferior" race of Vietnamese and the Chinese. On the other hand, it was about the Chinese tradition of arranged marriages.

The inevitable question is: Did she eventually love him?

Here are the exact words of Duras:
"Among all the other nights upon nights, the girl had spent that one on the boat....when it happened, the burst of Chopin.... There wasn't a breath of wind and the music spread all over the dark boat, like a heavenly injunction whose import was unknown, like an order from God whose meaning was inscrutable. And the girl started up as if to go and kill herself in her turn, throw herself in her turn into the sea, and afterwards, she wept because she thought of the man from Cholon and suddenly she wasn't sure she hadn't loved him with a love she hadn't seen because it had lost itself in the affair like water in (the) sand and she rediscovered it only now, through this moment of music......"

By the way, the Chopin music did played in the movie.

Review by MovieManiac1991




The movie is simply stimulating, scintillating, sensitive, sexy, stunning, sizzling, and exudes an aura of sensuality. It is erotic, alarming, captivating, passionate, engrossing, musical, zesty, reflective, cinematic, haunting and a very tragic love story.
One of my favourite erotic scenes is when the girl(actress Jane March) gradually and teasingly, pursed her lips on the glass window of the limousine for her lover (actor Tony Leung Kar-fai).

You took the words right out of my heart. Whenever I think about L'Amant, images from the film flash languidly through my mind. I see heat, desire, sweltering, drowsy, man's fedora, threadbare silk dress, gold-lame high heels, Mekong, unrestrained, orgasm, devastating...



Could anyone explain what is being depicted in the scenes
just before their segueing to the one of the school gate
bearing the sign of 'ECOLE DE SADEC'?


Really? I saw a stuck up irritating selfish deadpan ugly girl who had lots of sex and used anyone that came near her. I still don't understand what he was attracted to with her. The only thing that makes any sense was that he had a thing for white women and she was convenient.

I enjoyed all the actors in the film except Jane March. I don't think she is attractive and she doesn't appear to be able to show any emotion or even nuances to her character.

This could have been so much better with a better actress playing Jane's part. although I still don't think I would like the character any better, it could have developed the storyline far better. The voiceovers carried far more emotion and intimacy and well, talent than everything Jane did put together.


sweet jane!

Hey, sprechen sie talk?


It is erotic, alarming, captivating, passionate, engrossing, musical, zesty, reflective, cinematic, haunting and a very tragic love story.

I agree completely. I discovered this movie last night and was literally blown away by it. I don't agree with some critics who call this porn. While it is erotically charged and explicit, the sexual scenes were necessary to tell the story of an awakening in both of them. It shows what illicit passion can do and how it can be so confusing. They both were so elegantly sexual in private, but yet, so ruled by convention in the outside world.

Did she love him? I think she did in her own way. Even though she tried to keep her heart and soul separate from the passion and satisfaction, she didn't quite succeed.

Welcome Christmas while we stand,
heart to heart and hand in hand!


Hello to Jodilyn

Yes i agree with you

Please join us in the L'Amant Club at




To those critics who think this sensitive movie is a "porn" then
watch "Intimacy" (as one example among many others) that starred Kerry Fox.
That film featured "fellatio" and genitalia!!

Compared it with L'Amant, the former is more of a "porn" according
to those critics' standard!!



Hi. I'm sorry I missed your last post to me sometime ago. I hope to check out your board link.

This movie is not porn in my opinion. It's very classy and unique in my opinion.

"To do is to be" - Socrates
"To be is to do" - Descartes
"Do be do be do" - Sinatra


The sex was hot. How old was she during this?? I had to, uh take care of myself, during this film.


Hi cjh8504

Jane March's intimate scenes were shot when
she reached the age of 18. Yeah barely 18 years old.

Btw, her birthday is 20th March. She was born
in 1973.



I had to, uh take care of myself, during this film.
Mm, thanks for sharing that.

“Life's pretty good, and why wouldn't it be? I'm a pirate, after all.”


Hi Jodilyn

Please check out your "private message"
i send to you via IMDB here.

Thank you.

