MovieChat Forums > L'amant (1992) Discussion > Movies with sex that are not trivial.

Movies with sex that are not trivial.

I think L'Amant is the best example I've seen yet of a movie that has sex (wild even) and it's not a trivial movie. Far from it!!

If you know other such movies please list them here.


Umm... this movie rocked.... Jane March is the Goddess! Dang it... why did she marry...


Yes, but she is divorced now and back in movies. Perhaps not like The Lover


I just saw this movie and it was very good,i was just wondering in the third love scene where Jane March is on top it looks like they are having real sex.. are they having real sex?


I'd advise you see the unrated DVD version that's available (with 12 minutes of additional sex scenes cut from the R-rated version) and decide for yourself.


Hi dscott, how many minutes does this make the run time on the movie now if you put back the 12 minutes taken out?


Its very possible hudsonthesockgoblin, because this was her first movie and she was barely 20 yrs of age and young wannebe actresses will do most things on camera to get on in the movies.

Try and get the 115 minutes of run time movie (I an sure it's available from Amazon) and see for yourself. There are certain camera shots in slo-mo that makes your question indisputable.


According to the independent film channel, she was 17 when the movie was filmed.


Hi Hudson

Yes, they actually did!! See the face of Jane. Her face of very intense passion and pleasure. That was her first ever sex with a man.

Prior to that, she was a fashion model. That's also explained why she said she cried a lot on the set.

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You must rent Y Tu Mama Tambien. It is an excellent movie with very intense and erotic sex scenes. My girlfriend and I both loved it. john




Why should a film fudge because all films are? *g*
Its socially not verry accepted, but it exists. Open your eyes and see there is no moral in the real life either.

For me, it was one of the facts wich made this film so fascinating. Its brutal and mercilessly and of course could be dammin true story.


it IS a true story. read a book sometime


Actually it IS NOT a true story. Some parts of it are, the author was brought up in indochina and claims to have been treated in a similar way to the main character but thats as far as it goes...

If you read the french original you would see how impossible the film adaptation is. She writes in circles coming back to previous images from her past. A good read.


I read the Margurite Duras novella and the movie is told exactly like the book. It does go in circles. If you listen to the narration by Jeanne Moreau, she talks in circles like an old woman recalling an event from her youth.

As for the sex scens, it was fake people. I have interviews of Jean Jacques Annaud, Tony Leung and Jane March who all say NOTHING HAPPENED!!! Why won't this myth about this movie die? As I said on another thread, Jean Jacques Annaud is a filmmaker, not a pornographer. Take a look at the film "Enemy at the Gates" and tell me if Rachel Weisz and Jude Law are having "real" sex.

It's a myth.

"I excel at not giving a *beep*." -- George Lass "Dead Like Me"


LoL that doesn't mean anything.

Catherine Breillat is also a filmographer, yet she uses high explicit sex scenes, and is also not a pornographer!

I love The Lover quite a lot, but I also bet that they were doing it for real. Actors always decline what really happened. Don't expect actors to be honest towards " fans" or "normal" people. You would be in for a surprise.

Always remember:

Actors are mostly not like who they seems to be.


I just got through looking at it this past weekend and I did not see any kind of penetration happening.

Again, NOTHING HAPPENED!!! Look at the movie "Irreversible" with Monica Bellucci. Did she get raped in actuality or was it a very good and accurate depiction of a woman being violently raped?

The thing is with movies like these, is people actually want to be titilated. I guess Jane and Tony did their jobs to a T and with Mr. Annaud as the master craftsman he is, made you all believe it happened. Talk about slight of hand. To sum this all up, there's one born every minute.

"I excel at not giving a *beep*." -- George Lass "Dead Like Me"



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"Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head." -Anon


The Unbearable Lightness of Being movie is incredible like all of Kundera's books.



It had an intriguing plot and some of the most involved sex scenes I had ever seen at the time.

