MovieChat Forums > L'amant (1992) Discussion > if this movie is remade...

if this movie is remade...

who could play the leads?
for the girl, i'm thinking lucy hale or blake lively if her hair is dyed
for the chinaman, i got my eye on daniel dae kim or ken wannanabe from the inception movie

so, those are my choices. what do you think? if these actors are not to your liking, let me know and are there other good actors that might do this justice?

i've seen this movie once on the movie channel years ago when i was sixteen and thought the sex scenes between the girl and the chinaman was hot as hell, i almost climaxed on myself.


I think the actors in this movie had done a really incredible job. However, if there is a recast, I can imagine that main girl from Sucker Punch portray the female lead. She sort of did something of the sort with Sleeping Beauty, and she has that baby face youthfulness about her.

BTW I can never imagine Blake Lively as a 16 years old.


can u imagine daniel dae kim or ken wannatabe as the china man/male lead if there is a recast?if not, u got somebody in mind?


Well, maybe someone Chinese and of the same age group as the man is supposed to be in the story (no older than 30)would be a good start! Ken Watanabe is hot, but way too old for the role and too Japanese ha ha.

The cast for The Lover was perfect anyway. I really hope it is never remade, I can't imagine what else a new version could bring. More sex? More faithfulness to the book? Of course not.


Why would anyone want to remake this? I mean, the fans don't want it for sure. The movie is perfect as it is and for what it is. And Hollywood wouldn't either, this is an art/indie film, not a blockbuster that would cash in lots of money. Also the main attractive of this movie is its, for a lack of a better word, innocence in the storytelling. A remake would lose that innocence.

Anyway, Daniel Dae Kim? Terrible choice! He isn't even Japanese and no, he doesn't look Japanese either. He is Korean. And Ken Watanabe, from the inception movie? That wasn't such a great job, would rather prefer Ken Watanabe from the batman begins or better yet The Last Samurai movie.


Oh, and I didn't even mention Memoirs of a Geisha Ken Watanabe


Daniel Dae Kim is a terrible choice because he is Korean and therefore not 'Japanese' enough to play the character 'the Chinaman'? what is this I don't even


I know, I know. I meant to write Chinese, but Ken Watanabe, who I do kinda see doing this part regardless of his origin, threw me off, because he is Japanese. Sorry about that.


Oh ok and here I was thinking I might've missed an inside joke or something haha.


If it is remade by Hollywood, i.e by a US studio, the Chinaman will somehow be played by a white guy(and it will be reported as another example of colorblind casting). Kidding but also very likely, so I do not wish it to be remade. We already have a great movie, let it not be sullied by Hollywood.


Casting Directors need to audition...

MR$ K.Tran-Brown!!! Despite her real age she could pull off that teenage look with no problem!!! right!!! Team Breezy!!! LOL!!!


A PRETTY girl would be nice, with a pretty figure. Why is it that the only girls/women who will do nude scenes in mainstream films are skin and bones? I'm sorry, but that does not appeal to me.A lovely hourglass figure is my cup of tea.A real woman's figure,not a skinny little prepubescent boy-girl.

Jane March was very homely and scrawny and I can't imagine giving her a second look, let alone taking her for a mistress or casting her in a film of this type. Didn't anyone else show up ?

"I say,open this door at once! We're British !"


An hourglass is a very womanly figure, the character is just 15 years old ! Jane March was perfectly cast for that regard, obviously they needed someone over 18, but she was tiny enough to pass for a 15 and a half year old girl !


Yes, that is true. On the other hand, she is forty now and not much has changed.

"I say,open this door at once! We're British !"


Believe me...this film will never be remade. No director is THAT arrogant to think he could do better..

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'
