MovieChat Forums > L'amant (1992) Discussion > How mnay of you men would...

How mnay of you men would...

Out of curiosity how many of you would start an affair with a 15 year old girl if she came on to you like the French girl did with the Chinaman?
Be honest now. LOL


Yep. They are old enough when they leave school, and they leave school at about 3:30pm.


lol. captain creepy... fitting really.



Definitely one of the funniest things I've ever read on IMDb . . . and I totally agree! lol

If a machine, a Terminator, can learn the value of a life, maybe we can too . . .


Back in the late 1920's it was a different time. that stuff happened all the time.

"Like I know where to find people in this bum *beep* town" Jessica Hamby


I agree it was a different time with different standards. Most women would have been married before they hit 19 and there were plenty of marragies at 15, 16, and 17. I wouldn't be surprised if the legal age of consent was much lower than 15 too.

Also remember when she meets she tells him she is older (17 I think). I assume he finds out the truth later, however.


Everyone is forgetting that lusting after 15 year olds is not acceptable anymore! In many countries, you'll end up in jail for this. Pretty soon, "the cyber-police will come after you and the consequences will never be the same"! So be careful about what you say ;)


Hahahahahahahahaha!! You are a MADMAN!

"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


You can't judge those actions that happened back then by today's standards.

"Love isn't what you say or how you feel, it's what you DO". (The Last Kiss)


Well, the age of consent in the USA is between 16 and 18 depending on the state you live in. And in Europe it's between 14 and 16 most of the time, depending on the country you live in. Although consent is a tricky thing and its best to just stay away from anyone below 18. Woman are at best when they reach 24 to 26 anyway. And I say woman, because apparently nobody cares about what boys do at any age anyway.


Age of consent laws are pretty arbitrary in my opinion. You can't judge the readiness of every 14-17 year old on the same standard. I personally think anything that happens between two consenting people (of post puberty age) should be their business alone, and I don't see why anyone cares who sleeps with who when no one is getting hurt, physically or mentally. Sure it's considered controversial to some, but it is what it is. Any teenager old enough to feel horny and lust after someone is old enough to have sex if they choose. To say they have somehow been coerced or taken advantage of, no matter the circumstances of the relationship is bs to me. And before anyone accuses me of being a creeper/pedophile/horny repressed virgin, etc. this opinion has nothing to do with me or my life or anything that has gone on in it. I haven't felt that desirable to anyone of any age in a long time, so it's pretty much moot who "I" would personally sleep with. While I won't tell you that I might not see a fifteen year old boy as sexually attractive, within the same day I may also comment on the physical attractiveness of a man in his fifties who happens to be twenty plus years older than me.



Any teenager old enough to feel horny and lust after someone is old enough to have sex if they choose.

Wrong----it dosen't matter how they feel, at 14 or 15 you are too damn young to be having sex,plus they're minors anyway,and it's illegal to be messing with minors regardless. What a ridiculous statement. Just because a teen may be horny at 15, that sure as hell dosen't mean they're old or mature enough to start sleeping around. That's like saying if a 6-yr old feels they can actually jump off a building, that they're old enough to do it. That's some BS.


My statement is no more ridiculous than yours. Not only do you completely dismiss the emotions of another human being as invalid(and adolescents are people too, with complex human emotions), you are also under the illusion that no teenager, in the throes of puberty has ever had sex, whether it was a good idea for them to do it or not. Are you going to find every horny adolescent out there and berate them for having sexual feelings that they're biologically inclined to at that point in their life and make them feel bad about those feelings? I'm sure many people do anyway. It would be a big job for you since there are basically millions of them.

But beyond that, I find it hard to take your answer that seriously when really it just comes across as a knee jerk reaction to someone having an opinion that happens to differ from yours and you therefore have to call it a "stupid" opinion. All in all, I reside in a non black and white view of the world. There's far too much gray area in something like this to form any real definitive "rule" for or against, I suppose. At least that's the way I see it. But to deny a biological human desire that typically shows up at the very age you consider "too young" for those feelings, now that's ridiculous. Just sayin.'


Not even open to consideration. 15 is far too young for me (even if that is legal in some countries).


Well, Jane March, the actress, was EIGHTEEN, so that's easy. But if you're taking about an actual 15 year old that looks like THAT (very few do BTW), I would like to think I'd do the right thing.

I sincerely hope I'm never put in that position though.
