MovieChat Forums > Golden Years (1991) Discussion > Realistic recording/tapping equipment?

Realistic recording/tapping equipment?

In the 'Am I Winning' installment/episode, the government taps the main character's house. One of the equipment used was something that fit inside an incandescent lightbulb.
And I the only one that seems this too be a bit farfetched? I don't think there'd be enough space, and if there was, a lightbulb is a vacuum.
I guess I dunno. What do you think?


I have no expertise, but it seemed mighty far fetched to me. They wouldn't have to substitute lightbulbs when they could put bugs in various crevices throughout the house. Today, of course, it's much easier with digital surveillance.


Oh, it's perfectly realistic although maybe slightly far fetched in that surveillance technology might not have been THAT micronized in the early 90s. However, considering 'The Shop' is a fictional, super secret government Gestapo kind of organization, it's not entirely out of the scope of possibility that such an organization would have somewhat advanced technology in a science fiction story.

One day men will look back and say that I gave birth to the twentieth century.
