How did it end?

this has been bugging me for some time, because i can't remember how or if they ever ended it officially.

did they get home or was the show cancelled?



What is wrong with you kids.

This Version Sucked!







it's true, I watched it when I was kindergarted, then when I was in high school I was chqannel serfing, when I came upon scifi was aring land of the lost, to my surprise it wasn't what Iremembered and quickly realised it was an original I didn't know about.


But did they ever get back home? and what about Christa did they ever figure out her past? i remember the show i watched it all the time, but i was so little that i dont remember all the episodes i dont remember any of the second season, but my favorite character was Kevin.


Yeah, I always wondered that too! I used to watch this show ALL the time when I was younger and I recently found the first 6 episodes on VHS at a video store and bought them all. But, did they ever get home or did it get canceled and they didn't even let them make a sign off show?


I have no idea. I honestly didn't even know there were two versions, nor did I know which one I watched until I looked up the information on wikipedia to find out about this "Christa" character, which I barely remember. I can't find anything online to say. Sorry. I wanted to know if they got home too.



The series ended with kind of a lame episode. The last episode had Kevin babysitting Stink and Tasha. Stink pretended to have a broken ankle so Kevin would wait on him hand and foot.

That was the grand finale. So no...they never got back home and nothing was resolved.


I never saw the original I was five when this show came out and I loved this and I think it was called dinosaurs. Dinosaurs was a show that looked a bit like family matters only it had dinosaurs that were more or less human.


That was a different show. The original "Land of the Lost" was called "Land of the Lost". Same of 3 gets trapped in an alternate world were there are dinosaurs and sleestak creatures. Dinosours had nothing to do with the Land of the Lost. Their costumes just looked similar to the one used for Tasha on the show.


yeah now I know the Porter family I remember this I also loved to watch this.


It got stranger and stranger near the end, they ended up encountering some kind of sorceror who had a real vendetta against the porters, though the reasons for such were unknown. Christa they found out was a very young child who apparently got pulled into the portal, the name she gave to her triceratops was the same name that her small dog had back in her regular world.

In the original it was a bit odd too come ot think of it. There were dinosaurs but some had multiple heads and a few could breath fire. That and the father was killed in that series but their uncle appeared through a kayaking accident... I'm not sure what the writers were on for these shows but I think I'd like some.

There are few things more confusing than hearing someone say, "I forgot the midget."


the father didn't die, he stepped through a portal and went home without the kids. Could you blame him? They were so whiney....


No way why would he do that?
He's still their dad!


One of the episodes I remember from back when I was really young is they did get home, but the place is like a hallucination or something? I dont quite remember maybe that was the last episode...

--Mommy, Can I go out and KILL TONIGHT???--



i totally remember this one, there was their home and then a red jeep outside but it was fake. god i miss this hsow, i still wonder if they would ever get off the island or whatever.


That's the only one that I remember. I remember the garage door closes on the dads leg.


The actor/father left the show and it was written that he sort of stumbled into the portal and was replaced by his brother, uncle Jack. Remember the LOTL rules require that you must be replaced by something with the same temporal energy and body mass. That was after season 2 I think - so the last season was just more of the same day-to-day adventures. There was never an official ending to the show since it was CNX.

It's tough to do a last show once it's been canceled. One recent exception was Married with Children in which they were filming part II of Kelly gets married and Ed O Neil they rewrite the episode to make it appropriate as a final show. They did, it was funny and ends with a bunch of chaos and destruction in the background as the family enjoys a group hug while the dad says something like, we are and always will be the Bundys.

Similar steps were taken with Growing Pains when they used the last two or three episodes to wrap up the series.

I know some shows with older actor/actresses pre-film death scenes, perhaps each show that's been on for 3 years or so should put together a one-hour conclusion that can be edited to fit the latest going ons and end the show.

Just my two cents ...


I remember there was one episode where they were so close to going back home. Then, Scareface, the t-rex, showed up and ruined everything.


I remember that episode too.

Don't read this


Waah,this show aired in Italy in 1992 and,being a kid totally obsessed with dinosaurs (just like today,eh eh ^^),i fell immediately in love with it!

I particularly remember Scarface (the T-rex) and how almost every episode it seemed that the heroes have succeded to defeat it,only to see that half-blind meat-eater return in the next episode,angrier than before XD

It was an entertaining show,even if corny as almost all the tv series of the late '80-early '90...But that was the fun,don't ya think?


lol the last episode i ever remember seeing was one that i saw before i went to a wedding (note that i was born in '91) all i remember was like they were home and stuff but it was like an alternate place. and i remember them like running away and *beep* and the jeep parked outside. but what i'll never forget is when the garage door shuts on the dad lmao. that scarred me before I left. it was the most horrible thing i saw haha


Yeah, that's the only part I remembered too.


Yeah this show came on when I was 7 or 8 and loved it. I remember the episodes mention before about the fake return home and the porters almost getting home but instead having to save Stink and Tasha from the T-Rex. Others I remember our two episodes involving the Porter gang going to a beach and Kevin almost getting eatin by a large fish, Kevin finding a ray gun and shooting down the T-Rex, and Tom and the leader of the Lizard people being trapped in a cave by the T-Rex while searching for a new energy source. I'd watch this show any day compared to the crap on now.

Dr. Peter Venkman: NOBODY steps on a church in my town.

