Original language?

I love Fantaghiro so much and I've seen it quite often, but only in german. A few days ago, I was able to watch Fantaghiro 3 in italian! I always thought that it was the original language, but it just doesn't seem to fit, it looks so synchronized! Can anyone tell me which language it was made in? Maybe someone who saw the english version and knows if it's synchronized or not? I really want to know, because if it was made in english, I have to try to get the english version somehow...it would also make more sense, since the actors are kinda from everywhere and I don't think everyone of them is able to speak italian!!!
Thanks to anyone who can tell me something about that!


episode 1-2-3 was made in English. the 4th in English and French (Alessandra Martines chosed to act in French), the 5th in English, French and Italian (Remo Girone/Nameless spoke in Italian)

I have got episode 1-2-3-4-5 in Italian and in English except the last one.


where did you get those facts from? it's quite interesting that Alessandra chose to act in French and never in Italian ...


This is interesting. I've seen fantaghiro 1-4 in English and 5 in German. I always had the feeling that some actors were dubbed. I've seen Alessandra Martines in a few other movies (where she spoke French) but I got the feeling she had the same voice as in the Fantaghrio films. So I decided it was really her that spoke English in all the Fantaghiro films. If it's true that she spoke French in part 4, who is this woman that could imitate her voice so well?
And, I've also seen Caraibi starring Nicholas Rogers. This series is in Italian language but I believe it's really the same voice as the English Talking Tarabas.


it's a 100% italian product by Lamberto Bava&Co, the original language is italian
But some of the actors aren't italian and they weren't able to act in italian so they dubbed them
Alessandra Martinez is very able to talk in italian (fantaghirò), the same for Nemo Girone and Kim Rossi Stuart (Romualdo)

I was right about one thing: To get you into my life, to be around you, to love you.


Now that I have the DVD of Fantaghiro 2 which has both the English and Italian language I can compare them. My guess is that (at least in the second movie) everyone spoke English during filming but with some of the actors their voice was dubbed afterwards by someone who spoke English better. The English version is much more synchrone than the Italian, so I can't believe that Italian was the original language, although some of the actors are from Italy or can speak Italian. On the DVD there was a docu on the making of, only in Italian and Brigitte Nielsen was talking Italian!


The production is Italian, but there is no original language for Fantaghiro... Each actor played in the language they wanted too. It is therefore impossible to watch it in the original version.
If you watch the French version, you'll see Alessandra Martines delivered her lines in French (such as Agathe de la Fontaine playing Angelique in Episode 4). Others in english. I've not looked into it closely, but it's possible other languages are represented too. Don't forget they shot in Czechoslovakia and secondary characters were sometimes played by actors from there. Some lines must have been delivered in italian too.
