Is it true?

I can't find anything about this anywhere, but I swear I read online somewhere a few years back that there was a second line of action figures planned that would have featured Negaduck and I think Quackerjack, supposedly there were some beta pics that leaked online as well, anyone else hear about this?

I wonder if the Negaduck figure would have been the same as Darkwing but with an altered color scheme and accesories or if it would have been slightly redesigned...


Yeah that was true. I know Gizmoduck was definetly planned to be in the second line. So was Morgana. I might have seen a Gizmoduck prototype around the net. I'll post you link if I find it.


Yeah, they were planning to feature Morgana, Gizmoduck, J. Gander Hooter, Grizzlicoff, Negaduck, and Quackerjack (not to mention the brain-sucking alien hats, Tuskernini's penguins, and F.O.W.L. eggmen as windups). Here's a link to the advertisement for them:


Aww man, seeing that picture was like dangling a carrot infront of my younger self!! That would have been a great line had they actually been released! I don't ever remember DW having that heli though. I wonder if it would have come with the DW figure. The Negaduck design was a little odd but I get what they were going for with the "stance", a simple repaint of the DW figure would have been lazy I guess.


I know. I would have loved to see those. Grizzlicoff and Hooter I could take or leave, and I'm foaming at the mouth to see Negaduck the way a lot of other people probably were (although I do find him amusing). But the Gizmoduck one is neat, Morgana is pretty, Liquidator is awesome, and Quackerjack is adorable. I just wonder why they didn't come out.


If they were ever released, my bro & I would have loved 2 have owned those toys!
