3rd Volume DVD....

I sent an email to Disney and was informed that there was no information about an upcoming release of the 3rd and final volume on dvd...
I was also told that my email would be sent to the marketing department for consideration....
People, start emailing Disney! If they realize that there is an interest in another DVD they just MIGHT finally give it to us! So everyone, send your concerns! We must be heard! I want this DVD NOW DAMN IT!!!

(pant, pant, pant....)



Ya know, when Disney told me directly that there was no play for a DWD volume 3 release I seriously considered it. Something told me though that ole Darkwing wouldn't approve and I would hate to let him down, even in death.

We just gotta have faith.


Eh, I'm not surprised. Disney never bothered to finish releasing Gargoyles to DVD because of the low sales, so possibly they decided that DWD Volume 2 didn't have decent sales and instantly thought 'This old show probably doesn't have fans anymore, so why bother with another DVD?'. I don't see why it was so hard for them to release these things, they never put much effort into them anyway (average video quality, no extras).

There's so much pressure to like monkeys.



I sent off an email to them, and encouraged others to do so as well.

Here's the address if you're interested in sending one:

The Official Negaduck fanlisting:



i desperately hope for it to be released....i just got volume 1 and i still love it! i emailed them too.


SO did I. I just hope they release some special features on the 3rd DVD of Darkwing Duck. I want to see the music videos, commercials, the unreleased episodes, and the character bios.

Keen gear!


id be happy with just getting the rest of the series....


So would I. I would love to see the rest of the episodes.

Keen gear!


I sent them an email yesterday. While their reply didn't say anything different from what everyone else has been getting, I gotta say that I'm totally impressed with how fast they replied.

I'm gonna try calling the number they sent in the email. See what it takes to get something on DVD. Maybe also see if any of my friends would be interested in sending an email or calling.


I told my sister to send an email and I'll try to get my friends to send some as well. It doesn't matter if they like DWD or not, we just need to get as many emails sent as possible.

I was on Wikipedia and it mentioned how fans were sending mail in the hopes that Disney would release volume 3. I just checked again today and that post was gone but the fact that it was briefly on Wikipedia might be a good sign. If we do get through to them it will probably be another year or so before the DVD finally comes out but we just have to keep pressing onward.


I just did too ... save Darkwing!!!

Nothing is any good if some one else likes it


Let's get everyone to call Walt Disney Home Entertainment at 1-800-723-4763 to keep showing more interest and more demand for Darkwing Duck Volume 3 and ask them to release Darkwing Duck Volume 3 on DVD!
