Reminds Me Of...

Hello Folks:

Did any of you watching this television series get the impression that the creators/producers were making in the image of THE PUNISHER movies/comics/franchise? I mean let's face it, THE PUNISHER (1989) starring Dolph Lundgren came out a few years prior to this. To me, that movie was OK with its constant, over-the-top violence; this television show series was OK to me too. Who wouldn't really resort to vigilantism when all of the legal recourses are not enough to keep this (violent) criminals locked up?



While the set up for Nick and Frank are very similar, especially the movie version of Frank, the way they handle it is very different.

Frank used his training in the military to become a vigilante murderer, with the "commit a high class crime, I kill you" attitude.

Nick however is more showing that Justice will be served. He used his skills to help make sure that justice works for the people who were harmed. Nick does not like to kill.

While their origins are very similar, their characters are quite a bit apart.

Somewhere there's a land of peace, acceptance, love, and equality. Pray they don't allow humans.


Both in theme and production aesthetics, I got much more of a Batman '89 vibe.

To see the only real monster, one must only look in the mirror.
