MovieChat Forums > The Commish (1991) Discussion > who was your favorite officer?

who was your favorite officer?

1. Stan Kelly = adorable
2. Carmela Pagan = tough cop
3. Ricky Caruso = ladies man
4. Ronnie Lopez= dependable
5. Mike Rose = used to be racist, knowledgable with paganism, sensitive
6. Gordy Tuefel = always having a blonde moment, and a klutz
7. John Papadakis = almost a fish food
8. Jeff Hartley
9. John Hibbs
10. Calvin Simms
11. Terry Cooper = token black guy
12. Luke Jarret = crooked cop
13. Bob Stanton

maybe there were more, and i only remember some of them. my favorite was Stan Kelly -- Tony's protege. i was so heartbroken when... you know. damn it. whyyy! he was nice and a bit geeky. tony loved him like a little brother.

of course, i like Ricky Caruso too because -- admit it -- he was so GORGEOUS. but yeah, he was a playboy and occassionaly a bigot. i would hate him in real life.

i wished they had more female officers/detective like Carmela and Cyd.


I liked Caruso because besides being crazy hot, he went on to play Alex Krycek on the X-Files. ;)

I liked Carmela too.

There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel.



Yeah, I had a huge crush on Stan because he was nerdy and cute. Then to find out the actor was gay made all the more sense. But yeah, Krycek was not bad either.


Stan Kelly, for adorable 
