
I think I remember seeing this show on tgif, but I'm not sure. Was it?


Yes, BABY TALK was on TGIF in 1991. I still have 2 or 3 of the episodes on tape (I realize how sad that is so no need to point it out). It came on right after FAMILY MATTERS. The show was Scott Baio's second venture into TGIF territory after being Uncle Jesse's old friend, Pete, on FULL HOUSE.


Scott Baio + Dr. Dare 4 Ever!

I also remember seeing "Baby Talk" on around "Dinosaurs" (god that was a great show). TGIF was so much fun when I was little.

--"The principles of surgery are the same above and below the neck."--


yeah I also remember seeing Baby Talk and Dinosaurs ("Not the mama!" lol) on TGIF too. Yeah TGIF was so much fun and so much better when we were little lol. I also remember seeing Scott Baio on Full house as Dr. Dare lol, I have that on tape as well.





i love all of you guys!!!!


yes I do remember this show...I loved all the TGIF shows...."where I live" with doug e doug "family matters", "step by step", "full house", "perfect strangers", "dinosaurs" etc..


Awe... that brings back so many good memories. I also remember family matter, step by step, full house, perfect strangers, and baby talk! The late 80s and early 90s were the heyday of TV programming as far as I'm concerned. TGIF used to be AMAZING. I can't believe the stuff that passes off for "entertainment" of TV today.


Oddly, I think I recall seeing ads for this show while watching TGIF, as a youngster but the thing is I wasn't born until '89. Either I have outstanding memory or I'm thinking of another show. Or maybe it was for repeats?

Heavy Metal - 8/10
Ransom - 9/10
