Funniest part

What do you think is the funniest part of this movie my choice is when ione of the henchmen gets C4 stuck to his.


The ending where he throws away the baby while cleaning and watching american football, and then screams like a girl :)


Yeah, what the hell happend to that movie towards the end? It all starts when Chow Yun Fat goes up against the card thrower and the whole movie goes silly. Up until that point it WAS going to be one of my top John Woo movies, but the ending went straight to hell with the slapstick comedy.


Agree with koolzuurhoudend :P

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The funniest part is when he pokes the bird and it squeals. The expression on Chow Yun Fat's face was priceless.

Anyway, I have no idea wtf happened at the end there... it just got too silly.


That whole ending, I swear to God, I thought I was watching Bruce Campbell in glasses morphed into a Asian man.


I know it's a cliche but: WORST ENDING EVER! Seriously, it starts out as a clever Jules et Jim homage/caper flick, and then degenerates into the most retarded slapstick imaginable. If you don't want to hate this movie, watch it up until the part where Chow Yun Fat reveals that he's not a cripple (by the way, spoiler alert!) and goes kung fu on the guy. If John Woo had burned the last reel before releasing this film, Once a Thief would have been one of his finest works. Not even Speilberg has *beep* up an ending this badly...


The end made absolutely no sense whatsoever. But at the sight of babies being thrown around the room I couldn't stop laughing for half an hour.


the last half hour or so of the movie was ludicrously out-of-synch with the rest of it, but i still thought it was a lot of fun. the flaming basketball being fired at the henchman was awesome, as was the baby throwing in the last couple of shots.


The bit where Chow is trying to get his friend out of the vault near the end and doesn't see him crawling from a hole in the wall and standing behind him. The whole vault scene was pretty funny overall, grenade headbutt!


I laughed a lot during this film.
The beginning where the tour guide describes the curator (?)'s depression was hilarious.
Chow Yun-Fat jumping up suddenly and doing Bruce Lee style action against the "Master" was a riot too.

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down and a Wagging Finger of Shame
