Overrated Trash

What a crappy movie- pointless and boring. We're supposed to believe Laura Dern is a teen when she looks middle aged, Nicholas Cage is his usual idiotic self and the mother who spreads lipstick all over her face and overacts worse than a hippo in heat. The only worthwhile people to watch in this POS is Wilhelm Dafoe and Harry Dean, but then again they are usually pretty good actors in whatever movie they are in.

I will never understand why people love Lynch so much- he is a moronic hack who has never made a single good movie. If you want to look at who a good cult director is then Winding-Refn and Von Trier are way better.



...and Von Trier are way better.

That Fassbinder impersonator? He's alright, I guess.

It rubs the butter on it's skin, y'all.


"your knowledge about cinema is truly amazing"👎

that's called sarcasm


Hey, it's still Cage's best role.

Timothy Leary's dead


You're the moron. You can't make such a bold statement and not expect retaliation. But you probably won't reply as you only posted to get knee jerk reactions because it helps you get a boner.


I always reply to fanboy idiots like you who think Lynch is god. Die, loser! 




Not a fanboy and don't think anybody is God. If I were a fanboy I would have watched all Lynch movies multiple times and dissected them and tried to figure out their meanings. I have never done that.

You however told me to die.


I love Lynch, Refn and Von Trier.


[Lynch] is a moronic hack who has never made a single good movie.
I disagree completely -- and believe me, I've truly hated a few of his films (including WaH). However, I believe The Elephant Man, Blue Velvet, and The Straight Story are brilliant films that can be watched again and again for the sheer greatness of the filmmaking.

The Twin Peaks pilot is also one that I think is fantastic.
