Bored by Wilson's omnipotence

This film seems to want to create the impression that the most important thing in Wilson's life, even above killing an elephant, is to insult any and all people that cross his path. That became SO boring, I switched it off after 30 minutes. Thanks, Clint, for showing us Huston's worst character flaws.

There is no "off" position on the genius switch.


Give it a chance. 30 minutes? There are many good things in this film, including a look inside the lead character that may give you more sympathy for him. He fights intolerance and also sheds light on one of the things that bothers him, how he has given away parts of himself to get where he is.

"Did you make coffee...? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


There is no "off" position on your idiot switch.

Those who try to make distinctions between education & entertainment know little of either.


I switched it off after 30 minutes.
... after Dirty Harry hadn't appeared. 🐭
