Jeff Daniels is a tool.

Jeff Daniels is a total tool in the movie.
He almost ruined it for me, but what really ruined it for me was that Roxy never came back and wasn't even in the Limo to at least take Dinky away from everyone there who hurt her and everything : (

Down the rabbit-hole I GO…

what I’ll find no one knows


Jeff didn't bother me, hid character was kind of pathetic, but ok. as for roxy not coming back, it was perfect, it was the roxy thing to do, get everyone's hopes up, make everyone fall in love with them and then show how utterly unimportant they are to her, and the people can't help but still long for her. it does really hurt evert time i watch though, i can't help but always kind of half hope that this time she'll be in the limo. poor dinky.



yeah poor Dinky :(

Down the rabbit-hole I GO…
what I’ll find no one knows


I think the People magazine review said of Daniels: "He'll wimp himself to death one of these days."

"We go out in stormy weather/We rarely practice discern"
--Spoon, "That's The Way We Get By"



I hated his character in this film. He has a gorgeous, very loving, loyal wife and 2 great kids and he pines for a twat who never gave a rat's bum about him.
And even after his wife leaves, HE STILL GOES TO THE PARTY! The only reason he burns her stuff, as far as I am concerned, was because Roxy doesn't show up.

I will admit I felt really bad for Dinky there. Winona rocked that scene. She is not the best actress, but she nailed this role.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
