I need help with a song.

Can anyone tell me the name of the song playing during the cookout, right after Audrey does the newspaper ad where she's practically naked? The lyrics go something like "there's a party on cliffs and everybody's going, there'll be lots of everything... like Sunday morning, you thought that you knew better" Thanks for the help.

They gotta write their own letters


Hi !

I love this song too and it's taken me a while to track it down but it is by the Brothers Kendall. Apparently you can get that particular track on emusic - google it and you should find it easily - where it's sold as part of a compilation whose title escapes me but I think it's "time for change".

I haven't found any official site or album to buy. If you ever get more info, please let me know at [email protected].

Thanks in advance.



Thanks alot, I appreciate the info.
They gotta write their own letters
