MovieChat Forums > Tremors (1990) Discussion > Rank the Tremors movies

Rank the Tremors movies

1 Tremors of course first one is best
2. Tremors 4 the Legend begins.
3 Tremors 2 aftershocks not enough worm attacks id say.
4 Tremors 3 back to perfection. dident like the flying idea. that dident work for me.
any comments?

Yoda Rules!


This is exactly the same order I'd rank them


For me it the first and only one is Tremors 1


4. Tremors 4: The Legend Begins
3. Tremors 3: Back to Perfection
2. Tremors 2: Aftershocks
1. Tremors

It just got worse with each subsequent movie, although the first two are almost equally good. A big drop off after that.


1. Tremors
2. Tremors 2 Aftershocks
3. Tremors 3 Back To Perfection
4. Tremors 4 The Legend Begins

I like all of them, though! Except for Tremors 5, it really misses the charm of the first 4 movies. -->> Planes, Trains and Automobiles script


I'd rank them same as the OP, 1, 2, 4, 3. I love the first two, but 3 and 4 I don't mess with too often. Back To Perfection had its moments, I liked seeing the familiar faces and Desert Jack was a good addition. However the Butt Blasters were really dumb, and from the moment they show up the whole movie goes downhill. Not just because of the Butt Blasters, but because the last act of the film is kind of lazily written. I plan on watching 5 tonight, I'm interested to see where it will fit in. I'm pretty sure it won't come close to 1 or 2, but I'm hoping it will be good enough to take the third spot.

See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion - Ben Richards


1) Tremors
2) Tremors 2
3) Tremors 5
4) Tremors 3
5) Tremors 4
A Tremors movie without Burt is definitely the worst of the bunch.


1. Tremors - 10/10
2. Tremors 2: Aftershocks - 8/10
3. Tremors 3: Back to Perfection - 6/10
4. Tremors 4: The Legend Begins - 1/10
5. Tremors 5: Bloodlines - 1/10

I agree with fyfytj. They just kept getting worse. I only just found out about the 5th installment yesterday. I was perusing the dvd's at Target and my jaw dropped when I saw it. I bought it without hesitation, and watched it as soon as I got home. I stopped it around 1 hr 10 minutes and went to bed. It was just horrible. I'll try to finish it another time, but I'm in no hurry.

Dee! You gangly, uncoordinated bitch! I am not getting hogtied over your lack of grace! - Dennis


Tremors 3
Tremors 2
Tremors 5
Tremors 4
