Weird Title

This was such a great movie, but what a weird title. I think that's why it is such an unknown film. I think it's the best African-American 'family film' ever made. There's great performances by all the actors and I like the hoodoo references.


Hi Marie, in reference to your comment "weird title," actually the title is very appropriate, in that, if you think of someone sleeping peacefully. Usually, a "peaceful" sleep comes on as a person is in a relaxed state, and results in restful and peaceful sleep. However, whenever someone attempts to approach sleep in an uneasy or stressful (un-peaceful) manner, The results are known as to "sleep with anger". This is caused by the person's body, mind and spirit not entering into a peaceful state, caused by some outside situations or forces. In the case of this film, a once peaceful household, was slowly turned into an "angry" and hostile environment, to the point that, no one was actually at peace, even while "sleeping". As long as the visitor from down-south remained as a guest, no peace could or would be found. I hope that this helps demystify the film's title. Lastly, Marie if I'm not mistaken, I believe that the phrase "to sleep with anger" is actually a common cultural phrase, generally used in the African American southern household tradition.


Frankly, I think the title is much more powerful than the film. I felt it to be incongruent with the film mainly because there was no rancour to be found. The ill feelings are rather ephemeral; at best, they may have taken a catnap with anger. I feel the title deserved a more profound film.


Two brothers driven to almost killing one another is not angry enough?


Sure, your opinion is the only correct one.

