worst movie ever

There are a lot of 'Ten worst movies' lists posted on these boards, but I have yet to see anyone mention this movie.

SOLAR CRISIS is hands down the most amateurish, horribly acted monstrosity of an abortion of a motion picture that I have ever wasted any time on. Sad that Charlton Heston had anything to do with it.



I've seen a lot of worse movies than Solar Crisis. Which is no commendation for it! I'm talking Manos, Hands of Fate bad. Solar Crisis had some interesting story arcs -- horribly edited into each other until the movie became unintelligible garbage, but interesting nonetheless. I've seen many intelligible movies which couldn't boast any interesting story arc.

Some day (when I'm suffering from near-lethal ennui) I may hook up a couple of VCRs and see if I can edit this mess into something comprehensible. Success would be an editing challenge worthy of a Master of Arts degree, I think.

Period. Comma. Shift Key. They are your friends. Learn to love them.


I don't know if I would rate SOLAR CRISIS as the absolute worst (we still have to deal with stuff such as KILL BILL), but it is a terrible waste of a couple of hours. Steve.


Solar Crisis is almost as bad as Nightfall.

(that's pretty bad)

In fact, if Solar Crisis and Nightfall were a double feature, you would have to gouge your eyeballs out with a melon baller.


Ice Spiders
