The killers motive.

Was the implication supposed to be that his uncle molested him, and that's why he's nuts?
Moderators are terrorists.


I'm wondering myself. Just saw it and the whole series this month. For the sake your argument, the flashbacks the killer recalls are weird and present the uncle as a possible weirdo to say the least. The girl heard the killer delusionally ranting about his uncle, and what the girls supposedly did to him, and afterwards sees the photo. She looks between the lines and realizes the uncle may have been too close to the killer as a child. That is possibly why she dramatically lets go of the photo.

Here is what I was wondering. One of the girls, or her family, is somehow connected with the uncle. The girl acts dramatically at the photo (featuring the uncle and killer), but never states what the connection is. They don't even provide a brief flashback to make sense of it. Nobody wants a big speech from the heroine or monologue from the killer anymore nowadays, but they can't just hint at a photo and connection with the heroine/her family, and not say/show what it is. The filmmakers really messed up here...unless there's subtext within the set-up regarding the girl's parents being away, or which parent was away. I wondered if I should have paid more attention to the dialogue concerning one or both parents being away, and if the girl's father is recently deceased...and is the retired cop/uncle who committed suicide. The references to the girl's father fishing and keeping that one fish, stuffed, on display in the basment. But then, the girl already should have known this cousin/killer, and so on. Argh! This is hardly the best slasher film ever made, it is watchable, but the filmmakers missed out on one detail to make it feel whole.

The fact that we do see brief flashbacks, from the killer's point of view, points more to your theory, darth. If the uncle messed with the killer as a child, and the killer randomly/delusionally targeted the group at the beach, they made too big of a deal of the girl seeing the photo at the end. One clue is when the killer is getting hot and heavy with two different girls. When the girls start reaching for his pants and thighs, he suddenly acts sensitively, as if triggered by his uncle's abuse.


And they all knew each other.

This screenplay could have been much better.

Like that boy being left in the junkyard with the cut legs. Ken had clearly left him but, he was all of a sudden leaning against the house window and what was up with the other two weird men?

Did the film makers actually view this flick? &


I think his cop uncle was pedo and molested him during his childhood (on two occasions he got upset when a girl tried to undo his pants). His uncle then committed suicide due to shame or guilt maybe, and it made the killer trip.



After another watch, I'm pretty sure the answer to the killer's motive is that simple. He was molested by his uncle, his uncle recently committed suicide, and he meets up with the group of kids at the beach. The sexual feelings for the one girl he spoke to stirs him up. He never spoke to the rest of the group and didn't about the slumber party, but that doesn't matter. He knows about the slumber party period and will target them, starting with the one girl in the car right away. When he eventually reveals his true colors and targets everyone at the party, he rants and raves about his uncle and sexual nonsense. And of course, when two of the girls reach for his pants and thighs, it reminds him of his uncle's abuse. And so on. He and the group are not related in anyway. The only strange aspect is the girl looking on at the photo of the uncle and killer so overdramatically. She sees between the lines of the killer's ranting and raving, and realizes he was abused by the uncle. Hell, maybe she read the newspaper and saw the article (and picture) about the cop committing suicide. That would explain the overdramatics at the end.

As you guys said, the screenplay could have been touched up on. But for a 1990's slasher, it is one of the better slashers from 1990 to 1993 alone. That period was anemic with barely twelve slashers left over, after the gold rush of slasher rip-offs from 1979 to 1989.
