Mother + Daughter.....where are they?

I know there are some people in these threads, that like me, absolutely love this movie. I have looked up both actresses and haven't found much at all. Has anyone else found anything? It would be interesting to find out more about them.



Someone who was in Dogtooth is in this movie? Now I have to watch Singapore Sling! I've had it for ages, was just too scared!!

Loved Dogtooth!

I should warn you -- he's a Fourierist.



N.Nikolaidis said he always looked for actors in his movies to be either, common people, retired ones that wanted a comeback or first-to-second year acting students, with these choices of course it was hard to find the mother or daughter to had an extensive career.
I think the Daughter (Meredyth Herold) is so Brilliant in this, that it's almost painful the fact that I've never seen anything of whatever she did before Singapore Sling.
