Flute Scene?

I was so looking forward to the flute scene in Hamlet between Hamlet and Guildenstern to be featured in this film, but they left it out. It would have been interesting to see their reaction to it afterwards.

I wonder why it was cut.

All we get instead is Hamlet playing the flute when the scene would have taken place and saying "Leave me alone, friends"


I was a bit surprised that they cut some of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern's scenes from hamlet for this, I'd assumed they would have included them all.


Yeah, I would have loved to see this too. Hamlet urging Guildenstern to play the recorder "My lord, I cannot." aww, pretty please? "Believe me, I cannot." It would seem to go so well with the character of Guildenstern, but somehow this part of Hamlet avoided being in not only the movie, but the original play as well. It's kinda sad. :(


I can guess a very important reason it was cut. It would let the audience know once and for all which one was Guildenstern and which one was Rosencranz.

Comissioner Gordon: What is the world coming to?
Batman: We can't stop to worry about that now.


I would have loved to see Tim Roth playing the flute...that'd have been great!


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


Ah well done - very good point

Good God. We're out of our depths here.
