MovieChat Forums > Rocky V (1990) Discussion > This movie takes place in 1982/83?

This movie takes place in 1982/83?

Rocky I - 1975/76
Rocky II - 1976
Rocky III - 1981 (Based on Micky's tombstone date)
Rocky IV - 1982 - Shortly after III (Based on Rocky/Apollo's private fight and the kid's age does not change
Rocky V - 1982/83 Occurs right after Rocky returns from Russia.

There are major contradictions. Rocky says to Adrian in Rocky IV that they have been married for 9 years which would place that picture in 1985. The age of Rocky Jr. jumps several years from Rocky IV to V even though they occur back-to-back.

***What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?***



Forget it. Not worth even thinking about as the timeline is all over the place like how Rocky's son always ages a few years between films. That plane ride back from Russia must have been 8-years



Lmfao. I never caught that about the coats. Good post.


I always wondered why it took Rock so long to get out of Russia.


At the very end of the movie when Rocky and his kid were at the top of the steps, if you look in the background there's a banner labeling the year of 1991.


Don't try to cram me into a mold and everything will be alright.


At the very end of the movie when Rocky and his kid were at the top of the steps, if you look in the background there's a banner labeling the year of 1991.

That's odd, since the film came out in 1990 which it was probably filmed in 1989.

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!


I love the Rocky series but by Rocky IV the time line was super screwed up. Rocky IV essentially picks up right after Rocky III but yet it's still supposed to be 1985 based on Rocky telling Adrian that it's almost been nine years since they were married.


Rocky - Late November 1975 to New Years' Day 1976
Rocky II - New Years Day [Night] 1976 - Thanksgiving 1976
Rocky III - 1981
Rocky IV - Begins in 1981 or it's possible the "favor" fight didn't happen until 1985; jumps to 1985 with the shot of Drago on the magazine cover. Works its way up to Christmas of 1985.
Rocky V - Christmas of 1985, then 1986, and then by the end of the movie is at December of 1990. The street fight takes place on either Christmas or just after Christmas of 1990.
Rocky Balboa - Presumably 2006
Creed - 2015

That's the official timeline. Rocky Jr. is much more youthful and freshfaced at the beginning of V than he is at the end where he is much harder and older.

And that banner at the museum actually says "1990." I just saw it on Epix. They filmed "Rocky V" in most of 1990, concurrently with the shooting of "The Godfather Part III." United Artists and Paramount split the cost of flying Talia Shire back and forth from Rome to Philly/CA.


Also in V one of Rocky Jr's friends called Uncle Pollie a "Ninety-proof Santa", which uts the movie in the nineties.


I don't know if you're joking or not, but if not, "ninety-proof Santa" is a reference to Paulie being drunk. "Ninety-proof" means 45% alcohol by volume.


>Rocky Jr. is much more youthful and freshfaced at the beginning of V than he is at the end where he is much harder and older.

No, he looks exactly the same at the end of the movie as he did at the beginning, as do all the other characters, for obvious reasons. There is nothing to indicate, suggest, or even hint at 5 years passing in this movie.

Your timeline doesn't work at all, nor is it "official". There is no timeline that works for the Rocky series, because there are too many contradictions. If you ignore the contradictions, you get:

Rocky - 1975 to 1976
Rocky II - 1976
Rocky III - 1979 (the second Apollo/Balboa fight is said to have been 3 years ago)
Rocky IV - 1981 (It is said that Apollo has been retired for nearly 5 years)
Rocky V - December 1981 to December 1982 (possibly December 1983, depending on how you interpret Rocky's reference to "last year" at Christmas time).


"No, he looks exactly the same at the end of the movie as he did at the beginning"

No, he really doesn't.

"There is nothing to indicate, suggest, or even hint at 5 years passing in this movie."

Magazine covers featuring Tommy Gunn at the end of the fighting montage begin to read "December 1990." The film does a poor job of conveying it, but it does work its way up to 1990 whether you like it or not.

"Your timeline doesn't work at all, nor is it 'official'."

Got it from Sly, so I'd call that official.

"Rocky III - 1979 (the second Apollo/Balboa fight is said to have been 3 years ago)"

Mickey's crypt says he died in 1981.

"Rocky IV - 1981 (It is said that Apollo has been retired for nearly 5 years)"

Magazine covers say it's 1985.

"Rocky V - December 1981 to December 1982 (possibly December 1983, depending on how you interpret Rocky's reference to "last year" at Christmas time)."

It's definitely not the fughin' early 80s in "Rocky V,"


"No, he really doesn't."

Yes, he does, given that only one actor played him throughout the movie, the entire filming of the movie didn't take long enough for any of the actors to visibly age, and no special effects were done to make him look older. As I said, "for obvious reasons."

"Magazine covers featuring Tommy Gunn at the end of the fighting montage begin to read "December 1990." The film does a poor job of conveying it, but it does work its way up to 1990 whether you like it or not."

It doesn't matter what year the magazine said. As I already said:

"There is no timeline that works for the Rocky series, because there are too many contradictions."

And the movie doesn't "do a poor job of conveying it," it simply doesn't convey it at all.

"Got it from Sly, so I'd call that official."

First, no, you didn't. Second, even if you did, it doesn't matter, because only onscreen events matter.

The rest of your post is irrelevant because, before posting my timeline, I said:

"If you ignore the contradictions, you get:"

So why are you pointing out the contradictions? Do you understand the concept of an "if/then" statement?

I'll repeat: There is no timeline that works for the Rocky series, because there are too many contradictions. For example, why do you think the 1981 date on Mickey's crypt takes precedence over "the second Apollo/Balboa fight is said to have been 3 years ago"? And why do you think a magazine cover saying 1985 takes precedence over "it is said that Apollo has been retired for nearly 5 years"? Those things don't take precedence; they are contradictions, which is why there's no such thing as a contradiction-free timeline for the Rocky movies.


It's called Soap Opera time. I look at it his way. The characters are playing the age the are supposed to but we don't see it. In other words Sage is playing 8 or 9 at the beginning of V and at the end is around 11-13. Yet he still looks the same. Soap opera time. You just ignore it.

My personal timeline.

Rocky 1975-76
Rocky 2 1976-77
Rocky 3 1981-82
Rocky 4 1985
Rocky 5 1986-1989/90


This one seems to make the most sense. You would have to assume that Rocky and Tommy worked together for a good couple of years at least, with Rock helping him through his pro career.


Handled a little better, this movie would have taken place over most of the 80s. Time jumps easily could have been put in and would have actually helped story elements be more logical. I'm not sure if they just didn't put much work into the screenplay this time around, or if it was rewritten a dozen times.



Rocky IV takes place in 1985 (it's Rocky and Adrian's 9 year anniversary)

Rocky V takes place in 1986, he fights Tommy sometime in December 1986 and the ending scene may be in 1987.
