Hey! Read this.......

This reveiw was written by somebody right here on the IMDb:

What I liked from the film

What I liked from this move was the animation, the music, but what I liked the best was Marahute. Look at the size of that beautiful bird. I found out that her wingspan is 20 feet and she is 5 feet tall. Cody only got a tail feather from the bird. He could have got a 4 foot long wing feather from her. There could be birds like Marahute today. People have seen and encountered giant birds. One was the size of Marahute. People believe that these giant birds could be prehistoric birds (with wingspans from 12 to 25 feet), unusually large modern birds, or unknown species of birds (Marahute is that kind of giant bird. Percival McLeach only found out about that species when he shot one down). Giant birds fascinate me. They are majestic soaring creatures and I want to ride one. But if I can't find one of these birds, I'll make my own living giant bird of prey the size of Marahute. I hope you'll like this comment.

Did you hear that? Could there really be birds like Marahute out there? And if so, could they REALLY be prehistoric? I do hope so!


There are no giant birds anymore. The largest one is the ostrich. Or a Condor. Condors have a 10 foot wingspan.

Satan is a little man


Thank you very much for putting my comment into a topic of yours. I wanted to tell everyone my interest for giant birds. I found that there were giant birds in the prehistoric. Debi Crabtree, do you want to ride a giant bird one day? Perhaps I could make one for you when and if I gain the knowledge.


Good luck!

Ratigan...I think that you are a slimy, contemptible SEWER RAT!


Hey Speechmech, perhaps you've heard of the Archaeopteryx? It's a very interesting prehistoric bird of the upper Jurassic (?). If you like prehistoric birds, then you'd love this one...


Yeah! It's like Marahute, only smaller.

Ratigan...I think that you are a slimy, contemptible SEWER RAT!


Hey Speechmech, the largest bird I can think of is Bella Emberg, a large flightless bird from the russabbot era.
