Good movie?

I saw the Exorcist, but I didn't see 2, 3, or Repo. Is Reposessed funny? I've heard that Ex.2 Is a huge mess, and I know nothing about ex.3.
Anyway, back on subject, reposessed- is it funny? What's it about?


We-ell, Linda Blair plays a happily married mother who became possessed during her childhood, but was exorcised by a priest (I can't remember any names). But then she becomes repossessed and basically runs amok. It's very corny, and there are many cheap boob jokes, but it does have some genuinely funny moments too.

"We Meanies only take NO for an answer!"


This is one of the worst movies I've seen. It has not one single laugh in it.


I'm going to have to agree with FreeMM. This movie is corny, stupid, and unfunny.

Sincerely, yahmez the mad.


Yeah, it isn't the best movie ever made but it filled an hour and a half on a rainy day. Plus - Leslie Nielsen!


I realize not everybody has the same sense of humor..but I found it absolutely hilarious..
i laughed at least every 2 or 3 minutes in this movie.

HECK is where people go who don't believe in GOSH


I love silly comedies like this and I love this film. If you enjoy very silly movies then you will probably like this one.


It's a pleasant enough way to spend an hour and a half. I probably laughed at 1 out of 4 jokes, which isn't a very good track record, but the case is certainly appealing. 6/10 stars from me.

And yes, "Exorcist II: The Heretic" is a huge mess, but "Exorcist III" is excellent (as is the original, of course).



