Bad, bad, not so Bad!

Okay, it's pretty bad...& silly...but, oddly entertaining! I didn't want to admit it but after watching it all the way through, I changed my mind about this being the worst movie I've ever seen. Because it actually is not...I've seen much worse! With way bigger budgets...And with more well-known actors at that!

The title is a little off...***HERE BE SPOILERS COMING UP***

...because there was no actual "quest" for a sword, it was pretty much a part of the movie the whole time. Quest for Dejanera, would've been appropo.

So if you like cheesy, lower budget sword & sorcery flicks with no-name actors, give it a try, you might be entertained as was I.
(but please, Don't Tell Anyone!)



I agree. It was worth the 50 bucks on VHS 5 years ago.
