A Very Haunting Movie

I grabbed this movie off the shelf at some video store in the early ninties (before Blockbuster and before CD's) I considered it for quite a long time before I committed to bringing it home. Terrible picture on box, an unsavory title and neither of the leads were my favorites. Five minutes into the movie, I was hooked and I never forgot it. I think I may have rented it twice more and then it just disappeared.

Strange thing, but both Timothy Dalton and Valeria Galino have removed this movie from their resumes, and I think there may be an interesting story there. I wish they would reissue movie in cd format, but maybe the stars would just a soon it be forgotten.I can't imagine why; it was beautifully acted and photographed and told a fascinating, if violent story.


You're in luck, because youtube have made the movie available to stream for free here-


