She got mad everytime

She got mad every time that she was referred to as a hooker or a prostitute. But why? It's exactly what she was. She was the one who made that decision and up until then, that is exactly what she was doing with her life and that could not be forgotten. Instead of getting all huffy and feeling sorry for herself, she had every opportunity to change things. Life gets hard for a lot of people and a lot people hit rock bottom, but they make better choices then to sell themselves for money. They pick themselves up by the bootstraps and make a change. Either make the change or live with it or don't get mad if someone calls you what you are.

"Duh. You're the idiot. Not me."


She was upset because she wasn't just a hooker, she was a human being, and Edward treated her as such and made her feel good about herself. Him telling Stuckey at the polo match that she was a hooker made her feel that maybe he did just see her as a hooker after all. She thought he saw past that to the person she was inside (which it turns out, he did).
