Dennis Quaid = Harrison Ford?

Now that it has come to light that Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford had an affair during the filming of Star Wars, maybe Dennis Quaid's character was based on HF?


Not really. There was about a 15 year difference between them in real life and he was married. And they both acted in the same film. None of these similarities are in Postcards.


This film is "emotionally autobiographical". While key facts are not accurate, the emotional component could be based on one of her past affairs, and quite possibly the one with Ford.


Exactly. The movie isn't a play by play of her life.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Maybe he's the combination of guys, the charisma, superstar good looks, and physicality is Harrison Ford but the character or the line s he utters may be from others.


I doubt he was based on Ford at all. I mean there's probably like 300 guys to choose from that it could be based on, and there's just not much similarity there.
