The Fight + The Police

Gotta love the scene when Carter and Drake have the fight that spills into the street, and the cops arrive and immediately arrest Drake w/o even attempting to find out what happened. The cop who goes over to Carter and strokes and coddles him has got to be the world's biggest pu-$$y.


I find it funny that when Carter and Drake crash through the front door and go tumbling down the stairs that the stunt double for Carter has a full head of hair. Then it shows Carter and Drake at the bottom of the stairs and Carter... well it's Michael Keaton and his head of not so much hair. LOL!

"I eat danger for breakfast" Willow, BtVS



 I'll have to look for that next time I watch.



Yeah, watch before the fight Carter had called the police but it didnt show what he's told them and then the fight happens 


Well, Carter had called the police just before that--notice they show up too soon to be responding to a call about the actual fight--and they assumed the report Carter made was the whole story. Just dumb, though, and it insults the audience's intelligence when, as you remark, the cops 'immediately arrest Drake w/o even attempting to find out what happened'.

"Did you make coffee? Make it!"--Cheyenne.


Carter set him up. Carter lied to the cops about Drake thats why they were quick to arrest Drake.


Keep in mind that Carter was ranting and raving like a lunatic. Carter stayed calm.
