Drive-in totals:

These numbers are approximate; I was unwilling to watch the movie again to verify my first count.

Number of times Omega Cop kicks someone in the nads: 6

Number of necks OC breaks: 3

Number of times OC screams "Wraith! It's not over yet!" : 2

Number of times we see the blonde's white panties under her miniskirt: 7

Number of minutes we spend watching OC chase sun-scorched mutants on foot: 10

Number of times OC says "I remember when water was everywhere: everybody had it," : 1

Minutes that OC's partners last : 10

Number of women that OC winds up with in the end: 3

Looked at in this perspective, this movie should kick ass.
By the way, I think this is the lowest rated movie I've seen on imdb yet. 1.6 stars.


You forgot:

Number of times Omega Cop tells the girls "Stay in the jeep": at least 3


You forgot:

Number of times Omega Cop tells the girls "Stay in the jeep": at least 3
