Charlie's accent

The Trivia section says that Charlie McManus (Robbie Coltrane) has a Scouse accent. Anyone else think he sounds just a tiny bit Scottish?


I noticed that too.


I thought it was an Irish accent. He sounds like a co worker of mine whos from county cork in Ireland. Not being from that part of the world I cannot be sure.

Can anybody confirm?


I can't believe I am confirming something that is so obvious but in case you don't know, Robbie Coltrane is Scottish and speaks with a Scottish accent in this film except when pretending to be a nun when he puts on an Irish accent.



Thanks Dan, your a gent-but I don't believe its obvious to somebody whos not from that part of the world or indeed familiar with those accents.


You're welcome Martin! I just assumed that accents from the British Isles would be universally recognised as being the place where the English language orginates!

As I say, Robbie switches from his normal Scottish accent to Irish when he is pretending to be a nun. How believebale that Irish accent is to an Irish person is probably questionable ...
